IStyleSheetRule Interface Properties
For a list of all members of this type, see IStyleSheetRule members.
| Name | Description |
 | BackColor | When get, it returns a System.Drawing.Color object based on the curren CSS 'background-color' property. It may return Color.Empty if the CSS background-color property was not specified in the CSS string. When set, it sets the CSS 'background-color' property based on the supplied color object. |
 | ClassName | Returns the classname this StyleSheetRule is identified by. |
 | CSSText | Sets/gets the CSSText string. When set any current declarations (style properties) will be cleared/reset, and the string will be parsed to form a new set of declarations (style properties). |
 | DdCharset | Gets/sets the "ddo-char-set" value. This value seams to always be an integer, but old code used a string to store it. |
 | DdVerticalFont | Gets or sets the dd vertical font CSS property. |
 | Declaration | Gets/sets the CSSDeclaration object used by this style. |
 | Font | When get, it returns a System.Drawing.Font object based on the current font related CSS information. When set, it sets the font related CSS information based on the specified font. |
 | FontFamily | Sets/gets the font's family name as a string. |
 | FontSize | Sets/gets font size. |
 | FontStyle | Gets/sets the 'font-style' property of the style. |
 | FontUnit | Sets/gets font units. |
 | FontWeight | Gets/sets the 'font-weight' property of the style. |
 | ForeColor | When get, it returns a System.Drawing.Color object based on the curren CSS 'color' property. It may return Color.Empty if the CSS color property was not specified in the CSS string. When set, it sets the CSS 'color' property based on the supplied color object. |
 | Kinsoku | Gets/sets the 'ddo-enable-kinsoku' CSS property. |
 | ParentStyleSheet | Returns the parent StyleSheet. The StyleSheet should be specified on creation of the instance. |
 | ParentStyleSheetRule | Gets or sets the parent style sheet rule. |
 | ShrinkToFit | When get, it returns a System.Boolean object based on the curren CSS property. When set, it sets the CSS property. |
 | TextAlign | Gets/sets the 'text-align' CSS property. |
 | TextDecoration | Gets/sets the 'text-decoration' property of the style. The Blink, Linethrough, Overline, and Underline values can be masked. |
 | TextJustify | Gets/sets 'text-justify' CSS property |
 | VerticalAlign | Gets/sets the 'vertical-align' CSS property. |
 | WhiteSpace | Gets/sets the 'white-space' CSS property. |
 | WrapMode | Gets/sets the 'ddo-wrap-mode' CSS property. |