By default, Wijmo formats and parses data using the American English culture. The decimal symbol is a period, the thousand separator is a comma, and the days of the week are "Sunday" through "Saturday".
If your application targets other cultures, include references to the appropriate Wijmo culture files in your HTML pages. Wijmo includes over 40 culture files (see complete list below), and we have tools for generating new ones. If you want to target a culture that is not currently supported, contact us and we will create the file you need.
Culture files with language/country specific format descriptors and UI strings are shipped in the separate @mescius/wijmo.cultures package. It can be installed using this command:
npm install @mescius/wijmo.cultures
You can apply a specific culture file from the @mescius/wijmo.cultures package using import statement like this:
//set German culture
import '@mescius/wijmo.cultures/wijmo.culture.de';
Alternately, you can also include the culture as a script include:
<!-- set German culture -->
<script src="node_modules/@mescius/wijmo.cultures/wijmo.culture.de.js">
By default, Wijmo uses the American English culture, but for your convenience, we have included several other cultures. They are located on npm, and on the CDN, but you can also find the files in your installation folder in \Dist\controls\cultures. The following cultures are currently included.
Culture String | Culture |
ar-AE | Arabic (United Arab Emirates) |
eu | Basque |
bg | Bulgarian |
ca | Catalan |
zh | Chinese |
zh-HK | Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong SAR) |
zh-TW | Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan) |
hr | Croatian |
cs | Czech |
da | Danish |
nl | Dutch |
en | English |
en-CA | English (Canada) |
en-GB | English (United Kingdom) |
et | Estonian |
fi | Finnish |
fr | French |
fr-CA | French (Canada) |
gl | Galician |
de | German |
el | Greek |
he | Hebrew |
hi | Hindi |
hu | Hungarian |
id | Indonesian |
it | Italian |
ja | Japanese |
kk | Kazakh |
ko | Korean |
lv | Latvian |
lt | Lithuanian |
no | Norwegian |
pl | Polish |
pt | Portuguese |
ro | Romanian |
ru | Russian |
sr | Serbian |
sk | Slovak |
sl | Slovenian |
es | Spanish |
es-419 | Spanish (Latin America) |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) |
sv | Swedish |
th | Thai |
tr | Turkish |
uk | Ukrainian |
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