Diverging palettes from ColorBrewer https://colorbrewer2.org.
Diverging palettes are used to indicate distance from a critical point. These color schemes work well when your data has some mid-point. For example, temperature data could be a shade of blue below zero, a red color is for the values above zero and temperature around zero would have a neutral color.
You can specify palettes for charting controls, like FlexChart and FlexPie, or use palette for ColorScale.colors property. For example:
chart.palette = Palettes.Diverging.BrBG;
The Diverging palettes include the following color schemes:
This product includes color specifications and designs developed by Cynthia Brewer (http://colorbrewer.org/). Please see license at https://github.com/axismaps/colorbrewer/blob/master/LICENCE.txt
Qualitative palettes from ColorBrewer https://colorbrewer2.org .
Qualitative (or categorical) palettes are usually used for plotting independent data categories which don't have any specific order. For example, the series that represents shipping methods or product types. The colors in these palettes are selected to be distinctive and clearly indicate difference between data series.
You can specify palettes for charting controls, like FlexChart and FlexPie. For example:
chart.palette = Palettes.Qualitative.Accent;
The Qualitative palettes include the following color schemes:
Sequential multi-hue palettes from ColorBrewer https://colorbrewer2.org.
Sequential palettes are used for data that have ordered, quantitative nature, for example precipitation amount or number of road incidents for some region. In addition to lightness variation, these color schemes also use several hues to improve perception.
You can specify palettes for charting controls, like FlexChart and FlexPie, or use palette for ColorScale.colors property. For example:
chart.palette = Palettes.SequentialMulti.BuGn;
The Sequential multi-hue palettes include the following color schemes:
Sequential single-hue palettes from ColorBrewer https://colorbrewer2.org.
Sequential palettes are used for data that have ordered, quantitative nature, for example precipitation amount or number of road incidents for some region. These color schemes are shade variations of a single base color, usually from light to dark.
You can specify palettes for charting controls, like FlexChart and FlexPie, or use palette for ColorScale.colors property. For example:
chart.palette = Palettes.SequentialSingle.Blues;
The Sequential single-hue palettes include the following color schemes:
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These are predefined color palettes for chart Series objects.
To create custom color palettes, supply an array of strings or rgba values.
You can specify palettes for FlexChart and FlexPie controls. For example:
The following palettes are pre-defined: