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ChartTooltip Class

Extends the Tooltip class to provide chart tooltips.






content: any

Gets or sets the tooltip content.

The tooltip content can be specified as a string or as a function that takes a HitTestInfo object as a parameter.

When the tooltip content is a string, it may contain any of the following parameters:

  • propertyName: Any property of the data object represented by the point.
  • seriesName: Name of the series that contains the data point (FlexChart only).
  • pointIndex: Index of the data point.
  • value: Value of the data point (y-value for FlexChart, item value for FlexPie).
  • x: x-value of the data point (FlexChart only).
  • y: y-value of the data point (FlexChart only).
  • name: Name of the data point (x-value for FlexChart or legend entry for FlexPie).

Parameters must be enclosed in single curly brackets. For example:

  // 'country' and 'sales' are properties of the data object.
  chart.tooltip.content = '{country}, sales:{sales}';

The next example shows how to set the tooltip content using a function.

  // Set the tooltip content
  chart.tooltip.content = function (ht) {
    return ht.name + ":" + ht.value.toFixed();


cssClass: string

Gets or sets a CSS class name to add to the tooltip.

The default value for this property is an empty string.


gap: number

Gets or sets the distance between the tooltip and the target element.

The default value for the property is 6 pixels.


hideDelay: number

Gets or sets the delay, in milliseconds, before hiding the tooltip if the mouse remains over the element.

The default value for the property is zero milliseconds, which causes the tip to remain visible until the mouse moves away from the element.


isAnimated: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether tooltips should use a fade-in animation when shown.

The default value for this property is false.


isContentHtml: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether the tooltip contents should be displayed as plain text or as HTML.

The default value for the property is true.


isVisible: boolean

Gets a value that determines whether the tooltip is currently visible.


position: PopupPosition

Gets or sets the PopupPosition where the tooltip should be displayed with respect to the owner element.

The default value for this property is PopupPosition.Above.


showAtMouse: boolean

Gets or sets a value that determines whether the tooltip should be calculated based on the mouse position rather than the target element.

The default value for the property is false, which means the tooltip position is calculated based on the target element.

The position property is used to determine the tooltip position in respect to the target element or to the mouse position.


showDelay: number

Gets or sets the delay, in milliseconds, before showing the tooltip after the mouse enters the target element.

The default value for the property is 500 milliseconds.


threshold: number

Gets or sets the maximum distance from the element to display the tooltip.


Gets or sets the TooltipTrigger that determines how the tooltip should be triggered.

The default value for this property is TooltipTrigger.Focus.



  • dispose(): void
  • Removes all tooltips associated with this Tooltip instance.

    Returns void


  • getTooltip(element: any): string | null
  • Gets the tooltip content associated with a given element.


    • element: any

      Element, element ID, or control that the tooltip explains.

    Returns string | null

    Tooltip content associated with the given element.


  • hide(): void
  • Hides the tooltip if it is currently visible.

    Returns void



  • setTooltip(element: any, content: string | null, position?: PopupPosition): void
  • Assigns tooltip content to a given element on the page.

    The same tooltip may be used to display information for any number of elements on the page. To remove the tooltip from an element, call setTooltip and specify null for the content.

    To remove the tooltips for all elements, call the dispose method.


    • element: any

      Element, single element CSS selector, or control that the tooltip explains.

    • content: string | null

      Tooltip content or ID of the element that contains the tooltip content.

    • Optional position: PopupPosition

      Position where the tooltip should be displayed with respect to the owner element.

    Returns void


  • show(element: any, content: string, bounds?: Rect): void
  • Shows the tooltip with the specified content, next to the specified element.


    • element: any

      Element, element ID, or control that the tooltip explains.

    • content: string

      Tooltip content or ID of the element that contains the tooltip content.

    • Optional bounds: Rect

      Optional element that defines the bounds of the area that the tooltip targets. If not provided, the bounds of the element are used (as reported by the getBoundingClientRect method).

    Returns void


Occurs before the tooltip content is displayed.

The event handler may customize the tooltip content or suppress the tooltip display by changing the event parameters.