You can print a single sheet or all the sheets in SpreadJS.
The following content is printed when you print in SpreadJS:
Visible rows or columns in the corner, row header, column header, or viewport
Cell text
Cell Style
The following information is not printed:
Hidden rows or columns
Floating object
Tab strip
Scroll bar
Filter button
Validation button or highlight circle
Active effect
Freeze line
Use the print method to print a sheet or sheets. Use an index to specify a specific sheet or no index for all visible sheets. You can specify many print options with the PrintInfo class such as whether to print headers, borders, grid lines, and so on.
The following table displays the options that can be used when creating a print header or footer:
Control Character | Description | Example | Result |
& | Escape character | ||
P | Current page |
| This is page 1 of 10 pages. (If there are 10 pages and this is the first page.) |
N | Page count |
| This is page 1 of 10 pages. (If there are 10 pages and this is the first page.) |
D | Current date |
| It is 2015/6/19. (If today is June 19, 2015.) |
T | Current time |
| It is 16:30:36. (If 16:30:36 is now.) |
G | Image |
| Displays an image. |
S | Strikethrough |
U | Underline |
| |
B | Bold |
| This is text. |
I | Italic |
| This is text. |
Font Size |
| ||
" | Font prefix |
| |
K | Color prefix |
| |
F | Spread name |
| spread name: testSpread (If printed spread's name is "testSpread".) |
A | Sheet name |
| sheet name: Sheet1 (If the printed sheet's name is "Sheet1".) |
The orientation method is only supported when importing or exporting to Excel. The paperSize method only applies to the paging result, not the printer. Print preview is not supported. The printing result may be different between browsers.
Note: Printing requires that you add the printing module to the page (gc.spread.sheets.print...*.min.js).
The following code sample prints a sheet.
<script src="./scripts/pluggable/gc.spread.sheets.print.x.x.x.min.js" type="application/javascript"></script>
// Initialize SpreadJS
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"),{sheetCount:3});
var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
// Set the value
for (var r = 0, rc = activeSheet.getRowCount() - 5; r < rc; r++) {
for (var c = 0, cc = activeSheet.getColumnCount() - 5; c < cc; c++) {
activeSheet.setValue(r, c, r + c);
$("#button1").click(function () {