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Task Layout

In the Gantt chart, using the TaskbarLayout class, you can configure the task layout with link line mode, taskbar height, date-text format, and round the taskbar to whole days.

The project displays link lines on a Gantt Chart view that highlights the task dependencies of the linked tasks. If necessary, you can customize the appearance of the link lines or hide them by setting the linkLineMode option value. There are three link line modes available, noLinks, toTop, and toEnd. The default mode is toTop.

Property Value


ganttSheet.project.layout.linkLineMode = "noLinks";


ganttSheet.project.layout.linkLineMode = "toTop";


ganttSheet.project.layout.linkLineMode = "toEnd";


Taskbar Height

You can set the taskbar height by using the barHeight option. The default value of barHeight is 12 pixels. The following code sample sets the taskbar height to 36.

var barHeight = 36;
ganttSheet.project.layout.barHeight = barHeight;

The output below will be generated.


Taskbar Date Format

When you add the date field to the Gantt chart taskbar, the date text will be displayed. You can customize the display of date formats using the barTextDateFormat option. The default date format is "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm".

The following code sample sets the date format to "yyyy/mm/dd".

var barTextDateFormat = "yyyy/mm/dd";
ganttSheet.project.layout.barTextDateFormat = barTextDateFormat;

The output below will be generated.


Round to Whole Days

The actual task duration is not always whole days. If you want to overwrite the duration values with the rounded ones, set the roundBarsToWholeDays option value to true. This will round the taskbars to whole days.

Property Value


ganttSheet.project.layout.roundBarsToWholeDays = true;


ganttSheet.project.layout.roundBarsToWholeDays = false;
