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Formula Auditing

SpreadJS provides extensive support for formula auditing by allowing users to display relationships between formulas and cells. This can be done by tracing the precedent and dependent cells in the worksheet.

Benefits of Formula Auditing

Formula Auditing helps users in identifying calculation bottlenecks, debugging formulas, and validating the accuracy of results while working with spreadsheets. Further, this feature helps users to:

  • Maintain Regulatory Compliance - While working with financial, accounting, and other complex applications, the formula auditing feature is useful for maintaining regulatory compliances.

  • Check Errors - Formula Auditing assists users in identifying the source of an error, which is otherwise an extremely difficult task especially if the formulas in the worksheet use precedent or dependent cells.

  • Locate Circular References - With formula auditing, users can quickly find all the circular references by tracing precedents and dependents within the worksheet to save hours of time.

  • Detect Inconsistency - In a large worksheet, users can speculate columns for any inconsistency in the formulas without having to manually review every formula while validating data.

Trace Precedents and Dependents

Precedent cells are the cells that are referred to by a formula lying in another cell. Dependent cells are the cells that contain formulas and refer to other cells.

For example, if cell D10 contains the formula "=B5", then cell B5 will be considered as a precedent to cell D10, and cell D10 will be considered as a dependent of cell B5.

While auditing formulas in worksheets, you can trace precedents using the getPrecedents() method and track dependents using the getDependents method to visualize and display cells related to the selected formula cell.

Usage Scenario

For instance - Let's say you're working on a finance or banking application where the monthly transactions (credits & debits) are analyzed using formulas in spreadsheets and a monthly report is generated for each customer. In this scenario, a single evaluation error can directly result in losses, and hence it becomes a prerequisite to audit formulas before sharing the monthly accounting reports with the customers.

The following image illustrates a small financial application where the balance amount is calculated for every transaction using formulas and the precedent cells and dependent cells are highlighted upon clicking any cell in the last column.

The following code sample highlights the precedent and dependent cells in the worksheet.

 var oldPrecedentCells, oldDependentCells;
$(document).ready(function () {
  // Initializing Spread
  var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook($("#sampleDiv")[0], { autoFitType: GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType.cellWithHeader });
  // Set datasource for the sheet
  var jsonArray = [
      " DATE ": " 3-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL28091 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 12106.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": 1000000.00,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 3-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL29091 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 12611.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": 1000000.0,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 5-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL04101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 61400.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 16-Oct-17 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": null,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": 500000.00,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": "",
      " DATE ": " 17-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL06101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 6000.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": "",
      " DATE ": " 17-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL07101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 97950.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 18-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL17101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 206501.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 21-Oct-17 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": null,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": 500000.00,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 23-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL21101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 39000.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 26-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": " INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL25101 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 170125.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 27-Oct-17 ",
      " TRANSACTION DETAILS ": "INDO GIBL Indiaforensic STL26101",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": 208000.00,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": null,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""
      " DATE ": " 30-Oct-17 ",
      " WITHDRAWAL AMOUNT ": null,
      " DEPOSIT AMOUNT ": 500000.00,
      " BALANCE AMOUNT ": ""

  var activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
  // Configure the sheet settings
  activeSheet.getRange(0, 2, 12, 3).formatter('* #.00');
  for (var c = 0; c < activeSheet.getColumnCount(); c++)
  // Set cell formulas
  activeSheet.setFormula(0, 4, "D2");
  for (var r = 1; r < activeSheet.getRowCount(); r++) {
    activeSheet.setFormula(r, 4, "E" + r.toString() + "+ D" + (r + 1).toString() + "- C" + (r + 1).toString());
  // Trace precedents and dependents for the active cell
  activeSheet.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.SelectionChanging, function (e, info)
    var newRow = info.newSelections[0].row;
    var newCol = info.newSelections[0].col;
    ColorPrecedents(activeSheet, newRow, newCol);
    ColorDependents(activeSheet, newRow, newCol);

// Paint precedent cells in yellow color
function ColorPrecedents(sheet, row, col)
  if (oldPrecedentCells)
    oldPrecedentCells.forEach(function (node)
      sheet.getCell(node.row, node.col).backColor(undefined);
  var precedentCells = sheet.getPrecedents(row, col);
  if (precedentCells)
    setTimeout(function ()
      oldPrecedentCells = precedentCells;
      precedentCells.forEach(function (node) {
      sheet.getCell(node.row, node.col).backColor("yellow");});}, 10);
// Paint dependent cells in green color
function ColorDependents(sheet, row, col)
  if (oldDependentCells)
    oldDependentCells.forEach(function (node) {
    sheet.getCell(node.row, node.col).backColor(undefined);
  var dependentCells = sheet.getDependents(row, col);
  oldDependentCells = dependentCells;
  if (dependentCells) {
    dependentCells.forEach(function (node) {
      sheet.getCell(node.row, node.col).backColor("green");