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Interface ISelector

All Superinterfaces:
ICellLinkControl, ICellLinkControlT<Integer>, IControl
All Known Subinterfaces:
IDropDown, IListBox, ISelectorT<T,TCollection>

public interface ISelector extends ICellLinkControlT<Integer>
Represents a control that allows a user to select items from among its child elements.
  • Method Details

    • getItemsSourceRange

      IRange getItemsSourceRange()
      Gets the items source of this control. This property can't be used if items were added to ISelectorT.Items.

      This property doesn't handle #REF! errors. #REF! will be treated as an empty collection.

    • setItemsSourceRange

      void setItemsSourceRange(IRange value)
      Sets the items source of this control. This property can't be used if items were added to ISelectorT.Items.

      This property doesn't handle #REF! errors. #REF! will be treated as an empty collection.

    • getSelectedIndex

      int getSelectedIndex()
      Gets the selected index of this control.
      API Note:
      Not fully supported by the *.ssjson format.The index could cause IndexOutOfBoundsException if items are lost.
    • setSelectedIndex

      void setSelectedIndex(int value)
      Sets the selected index of this control.
      API Note:
      Not fully supported by the *.ssjson format.The index could cause IndexOutOfBoundsException if items are lost.