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Interface IOptionButton

All Superinterfaces:
ICellLinkControl, ICellLinkControlT<Boolean>, IContentControl, IControl, IControlT<IOptionButton>

public interface IOptionButton extends IControlT<IOptionButton>, IContentControl, ICellLinkControlT<Boolean>
The option button control.
  • Method Details

    • getGroupBox

      IGroupBox getGroupBox()
      Gets the first group box that contains the option button.

      Option buttons in the same group box are in the same group.

      If the value is null, the option button is in the default group.

      Option buttons in the same group will share the value of ICellLinkControl.LinkedCell property.

      They will also affect the selection state of other option buttons in the same group.

      The first group box that contains the option button.The value is nullif the option button is in the default group.
      API Note:
      It's heavy to maintain the state of this property.We don't recommend putting too many group boxes and option buttons in the same worksheet.
    • getIsChecked

      boolean getIsChecked()
      Gets whether the IOptionButton is checked.
      False - Unchecked, true - Checked.
    • setIsChecked

      void setIsChecked(boolean value)
      Sets whether the IOptionButton is checked.
      value - False - Unchecked, true - Checked.