DsWord allows you to add, modify, and delete hyperlinks in a document. In DsWord, hyperlink element is represented by the Hyperlink class. You can add a hyperlink in a document using Add method of the HyperlinkCollection class. It can also be modified using the Hyperlink class properties, and deleted using Delete method of the ContentObject class.
To add a hyperlink in a document:
Access a section in a document where the hyperlink is to be added.
Add a paragraph to the section using Add method of the ParagraphCollection class.
Add a hyperlink to the paragraph using Add method of the HyperlinkCollection class.
var section = doc.Body.Sections.First;
//Add the first paragraph
var p = section.GetRange().Paragraphs.Add(
"Among other things, fields allow to insert hyperlinks into documents." +
" Following is a hyperlink to a web address. ");
//Add a hyperlink to it
Hyperlink link1 = p.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add(new Uri("http://www.google.com"),
"", "Click to go to www.google.com.");
//Save the document
To modify a hyperlink:
Access a hyperlink from the hyperlink collection using Hyperlinks property of the RangeBase class. For example, access the first hyperlink of the collection.
Modify the address for the specified link using Address property of the Hyperlink class.
Modify the text content value for the link using Value property of the Text class.
//Load the existing word document
//Modify the hyperlink code
Hyperlink link1 =
link1.Address = new Uri("http://developer.mescius.com");
link1.GetRange().Texts[0].Value = "Click to visit MESCIUS, Inc. website";
//Save the document
To delete a hyperlink:
Access a hyperlink from the hyperlink collection using Hyperlinks property of the RangeBase class. For example, access the first hyperlink of the collection.
Delete the field using the Delete method of the ContentObject class.
//Load the existing word document
//Delete hyperlink to bookmark
//Save the document
For more information on how to implement hyperlinks using DsWord, see DsWord sample browser.