Represents a graphics object that can be used to draw on a PDF page.
The origin (0,0) is in the top left corner of the page, the axis go right and down.
All coordinates and sizes are expressed in printer points (1/72 of an inch) by default. This can be changed using the Resolution property.
public class GcPdfGraphics : GcGraphics, IDisposable
Public Class GcPdfGraphics
Inherits GcGraphics
Implements IDisposable
Name | Description |
CanvasSize | Gets the size of the drawing area. |
Doc | Gets the GcPdfDocument object owning this graphics. |
Features | For internal use. Gets the features supported by this graphics. |
ImageCanBeDisposedAfterDrawing | For internal use. |
Resolution | Gets the resolution of the current graphics. |
SoftMask | Gets or sets the SoftMaskBase object defining current Soft Mask. |
TextLayoutHandler | Gets or sets an ITextLayoutHandler object which will receive notifications from the GcPdfGraphics when TextLayout is rendered. |
Transform | Gets or sets the current transformation matrix. The default is Identity matrix. |
Name | Description |
BeginLayer(OptionalContentGroup) | Begins rendering to the specified The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer. |
BeginLayer(OptionalContentMembership) | Begins rendering to the specified The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer. |
BeginLayer(string) | Begins rendering to a layer specified by The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer. |
BeginMarkedContent(TagBase) | Begins Marked Content. Writes (BMC or BDC) operator to content stream, each call of BeginMarkedContent(string) should be enclosed with EndMarkedContent(). |
BeginMarkedContent(string) | Begins Marked Content. Writes (BMC or BDC) operator to content stream, each call of BeginMarkedContent(string) should be enclosed with EndMarkedContent(). |
Composite(IGcTransparencyGroup, Rectangle, Point, float?) | For internal use. Composites this GcGraphics and the GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup created with the CreateTransparencyGroup(Rectangle, bool, bool, bool) method. |
CreateTransparencyGroup(Rectangle, bool, bool, bool) | For internal use. Creates a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup compatible with this graphics. This group can be used later for:
CreateTransparencyMask(IGcTransparencyGroup, TransparencyMaskType, Rectangle, IGcTransparencyMaskFilter) | For internal use. Creates a transparency mask from a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup, this mask can be specified for this graphics using SetTransparencyMask(object) method. Note! If the transparency mask supports IDisposable interface it will be automatically disposed after usage. |
Dispose(bool) | Disposes the current graphics. |
DrawForm(FormXObject, RectangleF, RectangleF?, ImageAlign) | Draws a FormXObject using specified bounds and image alignment. |
DrawForm(FormXObject, RectangleF, RectangleF?, ImageAlign, out RectangleF[]) | Draws a FormXObject using specified bounds and image alignment. The output parameter |
DrawGlyphs(Font, ushort[], float[], string[], int, Color, Matrix3x2) | For internal use only. |
DrawVertGlyphs(Font, ushort[], float[], float[], float[], string[], int, Color, Matrix3x2) | For internal use only. |
EndLayer() | Ends rendering to the layer specified by a previous call to BeginLayer(string), BeginLayer(OptionalContentGroup) or BeginLayer(OptionalContentMembership). |
EndMarkedContent() | Ends Marked Content. Writes EMC operator to content stream. |
GetBlendMode() | For internal use. Returns the current blend mode. |
InternalCreateClipRegion(IPath) | For internal use. |
InternalCreateClipRegion(RectangleF) | For internal use. |
InternalCreatePath() | For internal use. |
InternalDrawEllipse(RectangleF, Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawImage(RectangleF, IImage, float) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawLine(PointF, PointF, Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawLines(PointF[], Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawPath(IPath, Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawPolygon(PointF[], Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawRectangle(RectangleF, Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Pen) | For internal use. |
InternalDrawTextLayout(TextLayout, PointF) | For internal use. |
InternalFillEllipse(RectangleF, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?) | For internal use. |
InternalFillEllipse(RectangleF, Color) | For internal use. |
InternalFillPath(IPath, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?) | For internal use. |
InternalFillPath(IPath, Color) | For internal use. |
InternalFillPolygon(PointF[], Brush, FillMode, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?) | For internal use. |
InternalFillPolygon(PointF[], Color, FillMode) | For internal use. |
InternalFillRectangle(RectangleF, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?) | For internal use. |
InternalFillRectangle(RectangleF, Color) | For internal use. |
InternalFillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?) | For internal use. |
InternalFillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Color) | For internal use. |
InternalRemoveClip(IClipRegion) | For internal use. |
InternalSetClip(IClipRegion) | For internal use. |
IsBlendModeSupported(BlendMode) | Indicates whether this graphics implementation supports a specified blend mode. The following blend modes are supported by GcPdfGraphics: |
IsInterpolationModeSupported(InterpolationMode) | Indicates whether this graphics implementation supports a specified interpolation mode. NearestNeighbor is the only interpolation mode supported by GcPdfGraphics. |
PopTransparencyLayer() | Stops redirecting drawing operations to the transparency layer that was created by the last PushTransparencyLayer(RectangleF?, float) call. |
PushTransparencyLayer(RectangleF?, float) | Adds a transparency layer to the GcPdfGraphics so that it receives all subsequent drawing operations until PopTransparencyLayer() is called. |
SetBlendMode(BlendMode) | For internal use. Sets the current blend mode. |
SetTransparencyMask(object) | For internal use.
Sets a transparency mask for subsequent drawing operations, |