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GcPdfGraphics Class

Represents a graphics object that can be used to draw on a PDF page.

The origin (0,0) is in the top left corner of the page, the axis go right and down.

All coordinates and sizes are expressed in printer points (1/72 of an inch) by default. This can be changed using the Resolution property.

Namespace: GrapeCity.Documents.Pdf
Assembly: DS.Documents.Pdf.dll
public class GcPdfGraphics : GcGraphics, IDisposable
Public Class GcPdfGraphics
    Inherits GcGraphics
    Implements IDisposable


Name Description

Gets the size of the drawing area.


Gets the GcPdfDocument object owning this graphics.


For internal use. Gets the features supported by this graphics.


For internal use.


Gets the resolution of the current graphics.


Gets or sets the SoftMaskBase object defining current Soft Mask.


Gets or sets an ITextLayoutHandler object which will receive notifications from the GcPdfGraphics when TextLayout is rendered.


Gets or sets the current transformation matrix. The default is Identity matrix.


Name Description

Begins rendering to the specified layer. That layer should already exist in the Groups collection of the current document's OptionalContent.

The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer.


Begins rendering to the specified layer.

The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer.


Begins rendering to a layer specified by layerName. That name should match the Name of an existing OptionalContentGroup in the Groups collection of the current document's OptionalContent.

The EndLayer() method must be called to end rendering to the specified layer.


Begins Marked Content. Writes (BMC or BDC) operator to content stream, each call of BeginMarkedContent(string) should be enclosed with EndMarkedContent().


Begins Marked Content. Writes (BMC or BDC) operator to content stream, each call of BeginMarkedContent(string) should be enclosed with EndMarkedContent().

Composite(IGcTransparencyGroup, Rectangle, Point, float?)

For internal use. Composites this GcGraphics and the GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup created with the CreateTransparencyGroup(Rectangle, bool, bool, bool) method.

CreateTransparencyGroup(Rectangle, bool, bool, bool)

For internal use. Creates a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup compatible with this graphics. This group can be used later for:

  1. Compose with graphics using the Composite(IGcTransparencyGroup, Rectangle, Point, float?) method
  2. Create a transparency mask from this group using the CreateTransparencyMask(IGcTransparencyGroup, TransparencyMaskType, Rectangle, IGcTransparencyMaskFilter) method Note! If the transparency group supports IDisposable interface it will be automatically disposed after usage.
CreateTransparencyMask(IGcTransparencyGroup, TransparencyMaskType, Rectangle, IGcTransparencyMaskFilter)

For internal use. Creates a transparency mask from a GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.IGcTransparencyGroup, this mask can be specified for this graphics using SetTransparencyMask(object) method. Note! If the transparency mask supports IDisposable interface it will be automatically disposed after usage.


Disposes the current graphics.

DrawForm(FormXObject, RectangleF, RectangleF?, ImageAlign)

Draws a FormXObject using specified bounds and image alignment.

DrawForm(FormXObject, RectangleF, RectangleF?, ImageAlign, out RectangleF[])

Draws a FormXObject using specified bounds and image alignment.

The output parameter imageBounds receives the actual bounds of the drawn object(s).

DrawGlyphs(Font, ushort[], float[], string[], int, Color, Matrix3x2)

For internal use only.

DrawVertGlyphs(Font, ushort[], float[], float[], float[], string[], int, Color, Matrix3x2)

For internal use only.


Ends rendering to the layer specified by a previous call to BeginLayer(string), BeginLayer(OptionalContentGroup) or BeginLayer(OptionalContentMembership).


Ends Marked Content. Writes EMC operator to content stream.


For internal use. Returns the current blend mode.


For internal use.


For internal use.


For internal use.

InternalDrawEllipse(RectangleF, Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawImage(RectangleF, IImage, float)

For internal use.

InternalDrawLine(PointF, PointF, Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawLines(PointF[], Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawPath(IPath, Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawPolygon(PointF[], Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawRectangle(RectangleF, Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Pen)

For internal use.

InternalDrawTextLayout(TextLayout, PointF)

For internal use.

InternalFillEllipse(RectangleF, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

For internal use.

InternalFillEllipse(RectangleF, Color)

For internal use.

InternalFillPath(IPath, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

For internal use.

InternalFillPath(IPath, Color)

For internal use.

InternalFillPolygon(PointF[], Brush, FillMode, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

For internal use.

InternalFillPolygon(PointF[], Color, FillMode)

For internal use.

InternalFillRectangle(RectangleF, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

For internal use.

InternalFillRectangle(RectangleF, Color)

For internal use.

InternalFillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Brush, RectangleF?, Matrix3x2?)

For internal use.

InternalFillRoundRect(RectangleF, float, float, Color)

For internal use.


For internal use.


For internal use.


Indicates whether this graphics implementation supports a specified blend mode.

The following blend modes are supported by GcPdfGraphics:


Indicates whether this graphics implementation supports a specified interpolation mode.

NearestNeighbor is the only interpolation mode supported by GcPdfGraphics.


Stops redirecting drawing operations to the transparency layer that was created by the last PushTransparencyLayer(RectangleF?, float) call.

PushTransparencyLayer(RectangleF?, float)

Adds a transparency layer to the GcPdfGraphics so that it receives all subsequent drawing operations until PopTransparencyLayer() is called.


For internal use. Sets the current blend mode.


For internal use. Sets a transparency mask for subsequent drawing operations, mask was created with IGcGraphicsLayer.CreateTransparencyMask(). Note! mask can be null, in this case mask should be removed.

Extension Methods