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DrawCloudy Method

DrawCloudy(GcGraphics, RectangleF, float, Pen, Color)

Draws an ellipse with a "cloudy" border. (As per the PDF spec, the border should be drawn as a series of convex curved line segments in a manner that simulates the appearance of a cloud.)

public static bool DrawCloudy(this GcGraphics g, RectangleF bounds, float intensity, Pen pen, Color fillColor)
Public Shared Function DrawCloudy(g As GcGraphics, bounds As RectangleF, intensity As Single, pen As Pen, fillColor As Color) As Boolean
Type Name Description
GcGraphics g

The GcGraphics object.

RectangleF bounds

The ellipse bounds.

float intensity

The intensity of the "cloudy" effect, valid values are from 0 to 2.

Pen pen

The Pen to use.

Color fillColor

The fill color.

Type Description