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DrawListBox Method

DrawListBox(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<ChoiceFieldItem>, int[], int, TextFormat, Color, Border, bool, float)

Draws a list box.

public static void DrawListBox(this GcGraphics g, RectangleF bounds, IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items, int[] si, int topIndex, TextFormat textFormat, Color backColor, Border border, bool required, float orientation)
Public Shared Sub DrawListBox(g As GcGraphics, bounds As RectangleF, items As IList(Of ChoiceFieldItem), si As Integer(), topIndex As Integer, textFormat As TextFormat, backColor As Color, border As Border, required As Boolean, orientation As Single)
Type Name Description
GcGraphics g

The graphics to draw on.

RectangleF bounds

The control bounds.

IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items

The control items.

int[] si

The list of selected indexes.

int topIndex

The index of the top visible item.

TextFormat textFormat

The text format to use.

Color backColor

The background color.

Border border

The border definition.

bool required

Indicates whether to draw the border in red, ignoring the color specified in border.

float orientation

The rotation angle, should be a multiple of 90.

DrawListBox(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<ChoiceFieldItem>, int[], int, TextFormat, Color, Border, bool)

Draws a list box.

public static void DrawListBox(this GcGraphics g, RectangleF bounds, IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items, int[] si, int topIndex, TextFormat textFormat, Color backColor, Border border, bool required)
Public Shared Sub DrawListBox(g As GcGraphics, bounds As RectangleF, items As IList(Of ChoiceFieldItem), si As Integer(), topIndex As Integer, textFormat As TextFormat, backColor As Color, border As Border, required As Boolean)
Type Name Description
GcGraphics g

The graphics to draw on.

RectangleF bounds

The control bounds.

IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items

The control items.

int[] si

The list of selected indexes.

int topIndex

The index of the top visible item.

TextFormat textFormat

The text format to use.

Color backColor

The background color.

Border border

The border definition.

bool required

Indicates whether to draw the border in red, ignoring the color specified in border.

DrawListBox(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<ChoiceFieldItem>, int[], int, Font, float, Color, Color, Border, bool, float)

Draws a list box.

public static void DrawListBox(this GcGraphics g, RectangleF bounds, IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items, int[] si, int topIndex, Font font, float fontSize, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Border border, bool required, float orientation)
Public Shared Sub DrawListBox(g As GcGraphics, bounds As RectangleF, items As IList(Of ChoiceFieldItem), si As Integer(), topIndex As Integer, font As Font, fontSize As Single, foreColor As Color, backColor As Color, border As Border, required As Boolean, orientation As Single)
Type Name Description
GcGraphics g

The graphics to draw on.

RectangleF bounds

The control bounds.

IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items

The control items.

int[] si

The list of selected indexes.

int topIndex

The index of the top visible item.

Font font

The font to use.

float fontSize

The font size.

Color foreColor

The fore color.

Color backColor

The background color.

Border border

The border definition.

bool required

Indicates whether to draw the border in red, ignoring the color specified in border.

float orientation

The rotation angle, should be a multiple of 90.

DrawListBox(GcGraphics, RectangleF, IList<ChoiceFieldItem>, int[], int, Font, float, Color, Color, Border, bool)

Draws a list box.

public static void DrawListBox(this GcGraphics g, RectangleF bounds, IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items, int[] si, int topIndex, Font font, float fontSize, Color foreColor, Color backColor, Border border, bool required)
Public Shared Sub DrawListBox(g As GcGraphics, bounds As RectangleF, items As IList(Of ChoiceFieldItem), si As Integer(), topIndex As Integer, font As Font, fontSize As Single, foreColor As Color, backColor As Color, border As Border, required As Boolean)
Type Name Description
GcGraphics g

The graphics to draw on.

RectangleF bounds

The control bounds.

IList<ChoiceFieldItem> items

The control items.

int[] si

The list of selected indexes.

int topIndex

The index of the top visible item.

Font font

The font to use.

float fontSize

The font size.

Color foreColor

The fore color.

Color backColor

The background color.

Border border

The border definition.

bool required

Indicates whether to draw the border in red, ignoring the color specified in border.