C1.PivotEngine Assembly / C1.PivotEngine Namespace / RangeType Enumeration

RangeType Enumeration
Public Enum RangeType 
   Inherits System.Enum
AlphabeticalCaseSensitiveBy the first letter
AlphabeticalIgnoreCaseBy the first letter ignoring case
CustomEnables combining the field's data into custom intervals via the IRangeInfo.CustomRange event.
FiscalMonthNumber of month in fiscal year.
FiscalQuarterNumber of quarter in fiscal year.
FiscalWeekNumber of week in fiscal year.
FiscalYearBy fiscal year.
FormatUse PivotField.Format to group values into ranges.
NoneRanges aren't active.
NumericUses IRangeInfo.NumericStep property to combine numeric field values into ranges.
QuarterNumber of quarter in the year
WeekNumber of week in the year
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also