| Name | Description |
  | ActiveFilterIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the ActiveFilterIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | AllowAddNewProperty | Identifies the AllowAddNew dependency property. |
  | AllowDraggingProperty | Identifies the AllowDragging dependency property. |
  | AllowFreezingProperty | Identifies the AllowFreezing dependency property. |
  | AllowMergingProperty | Identifies the AllowMerging dependency property. |
  | AllowResizingProperty | Identifies the AllowResizing dependency property. |
  | AllowSortingProperty | Identifies the AllowSorting dependency property. |
  | AlternatingRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the AlternatingRowBackground dependency property. |
  | AreRowDetailsFrozenProperty | Identifies the AreRowDetailsFrozen dependency property. |
  | AreRowGroupHeadersFrozenProperty | Identifies the AreRowGroupHeadersFrozen dependency property. |
  | AutoCompleteProperty | Identifies the AutoComplete dependency property. |
  | AutoGenerateColumnsProperty | Identifies the AutoGenerateColumns dependency property. |
  | BottomRightCellBackgroundProperty | Identifies the BottomRightCellBackground dependency property. |
  | ChildItemsPathProperty | Identifies the ChildItemsPath dependency property. |
  | ClipboardCopyModeProperty | Identifies the ClipboardCopyMode dependency property. |
  | ClipboardPasteModeProperty | Identifies the ClipboardPasteMode dependency property. |
  | CollapsedIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the CollapsedIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | ColumnHeaderSelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ColumnHeaderSelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | CursorBackgroundProperty | Identifies the CursorBackground dependency property. |
  | CursorForegroundProperty | Identifies the CursorForeground dependency property. |
  | DeferScrollingProperty | Identifies the DeferScrolling dependency property. |
  | DragDropIndicatorBrushProperty | Identifies the DragDropIndicatorBrush dependency property. |
  | EditorBackgroundProperty | Identifies the EditorBackground dependency property. |
  | EditorForegroundProperty | Identifies the EditorBackground dependency property. |
  | ExpandedAboveIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the ExpandedAboveIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | ExpandedBelowIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the ExpandedBelowIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | FrozenLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the FrozenLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | GridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the GridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | GridLinesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the GridLinesVisibility dependency property. |
  | GroupHeaderConverterProperty | Identifies the GroupHeaderConverter dependency property. |
  | GroupRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the GroupRowBackground dependency property. |
  | GroupRowForegroundProperty | Identifies the GroupRowForeground dependency property. |
  | GroupRowPositionProperty | Identifies the GroupRowPosition dependency property. |
  | HeaderFontWeightProperty | Identifies the HeaderFontWeightProperty dependency property. |
  | HeaderGridLinesBrushProperty | Identifies the HeaderGridLinesBrush dependency property. |
  | HeadersVisibilityProperty | Identifies the HeadersVisibility dependency property. |
  | HorizontalScrollBarVisibilityProperty | Identifies the HorizontalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. |
  | InactiveFilterIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the InactiveFilterIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | IsReadOnlyProperty | Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property. |
  | IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItemProperty | Identifies the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem dependency property. |
  | ItemsSourceProperty | Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property. |
  | KeepCurrentVisibleProperty | Identifies the KeepCurrentVisible dependency property. |
  | KeyActionEnterProperty | Identifies the KeyActionEnter dependency property. |
  | KeyActionTabProperty | Identifies the KeyActionTab dependency property. |
  | MarqueeColorProperty | Identifies the MarqueeColor dependency property. |
  | MaxColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the MaxColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | MaxRowHeightProperty | Identifies the MaxRowHeight dependency property. |
  | MinColumnWidthProperty | Identifies the MinColumnWidth dependency property. |
  | MinRowHeightProperty | Identifies the MinRowHeight dependency property. |
  | MouseOverBrushProperty | Identifies the MouseOverBrush dependency property. |
  | MouseOverModeProperty | Identifies the MouseOverMode dependency property. |
  | NewRowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the NewRowBackground dependency property. |
  | NewRowIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the NewRowIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | NewRowPositionProperty | Identifies the NewRowPosition dependency property. |
  | RowBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowBackground dependency property. |
  | RowDetailsTemplateProperty | Identifies the RowDetailsTemplate dependency property. |
  | RowDetailsVisibilityModeProperty | Identifies the RowDetailsVisibilityMode dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderBackground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderForegroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderForeground dependency property. |
  | RowHeaderSelectedBackgroundProperty | Identifies the RowHeaderSelectedBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectedIndexProperty | Identifies the SelectedIndex dependency property. |
  | SelectedItemProperty | Identifies the SelectedItem dependency property. |
  | SelectedItemsProperty | Identifies the SelectedItems dependency property. |
  | SelectionBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property. |
  | SelectionForegroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property. |
  | SelectionModeProperty | Identifies the SelectionMode dependency property. |
  | ShowErrorsProperty | Identifies the ShowErrors dependency property. |
  | ShowMarqueeProperty | Identifies the ShowMarquee dependency property. |
  | ShowOutlineBarProperty | Identifies the ShowOutlineBarProperty dependency property. |
  | ShowSortProperty | Identifies the ShowSort dependency property. |
  | SortAscendingIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SortAscendingIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | SortDescendingIconTemplateProperty | Identifies the SortDescendingIconTemplate dependency property. |
  | TopLeftCellBackgroundProperty | Identifies the TopLeftCellBackground dependency property. |
  | TreeIndentProperty | Identifies the TreeIndent dependency property. |
  | VerticalScrollBarVisibilityProperty | Identifies the VerticalScrollBarVisibility dependency property. |