TreeView allows creating and displaying custom nodes in place of the default nodes. It is possible to add custom properties and show various customizations, for instance, including, scaling, and aligning images, displaying borders, customizing font styles and colors, and changing dimensions etc. To set custom nodes in TreeView, set the CustomContentPresenter property of C1TreeColumn.
The following image displays custom nodes in TreeView.
To create custom nodes in TreeView, create custom classes to define properties and methods that apply to custom nodes and override the default ones. After creating custom classes, initialize their instances and set custom nodes using the CustomContentPresenter property.
The following code snippets show how to create custom classes to define main elements for custom nodes.
Public Class CategoryCustomNode
Inherits CustomContentPresenter
' level 0
Private _name As TextElement
Private _description As TextElement
Private _img As ImageElement
Private _rw As RowPanel
' level 1
Private _product As TextElement
Public Sub New()
' level 0
' init text elements
' name
_name = New TextElement()
_name.Style = New Style()
' description
_description = New TextElement()
_description.Style = New Style()
_description.Width = 120
' init image element
_img = New ImageElement()
_img.Style = New Style()
_img.Size = New Size(70, 50)
' init a grid for text elements
Dim cp = New ColumnPanel()
' init panel for image
_rw = New RowPanel()
_rw.Style = New Style()
_rw.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center
' level 1
_product = New TextElement()
_product.Style = New Style()
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ToolTipText() As String
Return _name.Text
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Sub SetStyle(styles As TreeNodeCellStyles)
' level 0
' name
_name.Style.Margins = New Thickness(1)
_name.Style.Font = New Font("Calibri", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
' description
_description.Style.Margins = New Thickness(1)
_description.Style.Font = New Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Italic)
_description.Style.WordWrap = True
' img
_img.Style.ImageScaling = ImageScaling.Scale
_img.Style.ImageAlignment = ImageAlignment.CenterCenter
' level 1
_product.Style.Font = New Font("Calibri", 10, FontStyle.Bold)
_product.Style.Margins = New Thickness(2)
_product.Style.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Center
_product.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetValue(value As Object)
If Node.Level = 0 Then
Dim row = DirectCast(Node.GetValue(), DataSet1.CategoriesRow)
_name.Text = row.CategoryName
_description.Text = row.Description
Dim converter = New ImageConverter()
If _img.Image IsNot Nothing Then
_img.Image = Nothing
End If
_img.Image = DirectCast(converter.ConvertFrom(row.Picture), Image)
' set root panel
Child = _rw
_product.Text = value.ToString()
' set root element
Child = _product
End If
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ProductCustomNode
Inherits CustomContentPresenter
' level 0
Private _count As TextElement
' level 1
Private _quantityPerUnit As TextElement
Private _unitPrice As TextElement
Private _unitInStock As TextElement
Private _unitsOnOrder As TextElement
Private _reorderLevel As TextElement
Private _gp As GridPanel
Private _eStyle As Style
Public Sub New()
' level 0
' count in category
_count = New TextElement()
_count.Style = New Style()
_count.Style.Margins = New Thickness(2)
' level 1
' lable style
Dim lStyle = New Style()
lStyle.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Far
lStyle.Margins = New Thickness(1)
lStyle.Font = New Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Regular)
' elements style
_eStyle = New Style()
_eStyle.Margins = New Thickness(1)
_eStyle.Font = New Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Regular)
' init elements
_quantityPerUnit = New TextElement(_eStyle.Clone())
_unitPrice = New TextElement(_eStyle.Clone())
_unitInStock = New TextElement(_eStyle.Clone())
_unitsOnOrder = New TextElement(_eStyle.Clone())
_reorderLevel = New TextElement(_eStyle.Clone())
' init a grid for text elements
_gp = New GridPanel()
' labels
_gp.Columns(0).Width = 100
' text
_gp.Columns(1).Width = 120
' ReorderLevel
_gp(0, 0).Element = New TextElement(lStyle, "Reorder level:")
_gp(0, 1).Element = _reorderLevel
' UnitPrice
_gp(1, 0).Element = New TextElement(lStyle, "Unit price:")
_gp(1, 1).Element = _unitPrice
' QuantityPerUnit
_gp(2, 0).Element = New TextElement(lStyle, "Quantity per unit:")
_gp(2, 1).Element = _quantityPerUnit
' labels
_gp.Columns(2).Width = 100
' text
' UnitsInStock
_gp(0, 2).Element = New TextElement(lStyle, "Units in stock:")
_gp(0, 3).Element = _unitInStock
' UnitsOnOrder
_gp(1, 2).Element = New TextElement(lStyle, "Units on order:")
_gp(1, 3).Element = _unitsOnOrder
End Sub
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ToolTipText() As String
Return String.Empty
End Get
End Property
Public Overrides Sub SetStyle(styles As TreeNodeCellStyles)
' level 0
_count.Style.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Center
_count.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center
_count.Style.Font = New Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Bold)
' level 1
_unitPrice.Style.Font = New Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
If _unitInStock.Text = "0" Then
_unitInStock.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red
_unitInStock.Style.Font = New Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
End If
If _unitsOnOrder.Text = "0" Then
_unitsOnOrder.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red
_unitsOnOrder.Style.Font = New Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub SetValue(value As Object)
If Node.Level = 0 Then
Dim count = If(Node.HasChildren, Node.Nodes.Count, 0)
_count.Text = count.ToString()
Child = _count
Dim row = DirectCast(Node.GetValue(), DataSet1.ProductsRow)
_quantityPerUnit.Text = row.QuantityPerUnit
_unitPrice.Text = row.UnitPrice.ToString("C")
_unitInStock.Text = row.UnitsInStock.ToString()
_unitsOnOrder.Text = row.UnitsOnOrder.ToString()
_reorderLevel.Text = row.ReorderLevel.ToString()
Child = _gp
End If
End Sub
End Class
public class CategoryCustomNode : CustomContentPresenter
// level 0
private TextElement _name;
private TextElement _description;
private ImageElement _img;
private RowPanel _rw;
// level 1
private TextElement _product;
public CategoryCustomNode()
// level 0
// init text elements
// name
_name = new TextElement();
_name.Style = new Style();
// description
_description = new TextElement();
_description.Style = new Style();
_description.Width = 120;
// init image element
_img = new ImageElement();
_img.Style = new Style();
_img.Size = new Size(70, 50);
// init a grid for text elements
var cp = new ColumnPanel();
// init panel for image
_rw = new RowPanel();
_rw.Style = new Style();
_rw.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center;
// level 1
_product = new TextElement();
_product.Style = new Style();
public override string ToolTipText
return _name.Text;
public override void SetStyle(TreeNodeCellStyles styles)
// level 0
// name
_name.Style.Margins = new Thickness(1);
_name.Style.Font = new Font("Calibri", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
// description
_description.Style.Margins = new Thickness(1);
_description.Style.Font = new Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Italic);
_description.Style.WordWrap = true;
// img
_img.Style.ImageScaling = ImageScaling.Scale;
_img.Style.ImageAlignment = ImageAlignment.CenterCenter;
// level 1
_product.Style.Font = new Font("Calibri", 10, FontStyle.Bold);
_product.Style.Margins = new Thickness(2);
_product.Style.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Center;
_product.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center;
public override void SetValue(object value)
if (Node.Level == 0)
var row = (DataSet1.CategoriesRow)Node.GetValue();
_name.Text = row.CategoryName;
_description.Text = row.Description;
var converter = new ImageConverter();
if (_img.Image != null)
_img.Image = null;
_img.Image = (Image)converter.ConvertFrom(row.Picture);
// set root panel
Child = _rw;
_product.Text = value.ToString();
// set root element
Child = _product;
public class ProductCustomNode : CustomContentPresenter
// level 0
private TextElement _count;
// level 1
private TextElement _quantityPerUnit;
private TextElement _unitPrice;
private TextElement _unitInStock;
private TextElement _unitsOnOrder;
private TextElement _reorderLevel;
private GridPanel _gp;
private Style _eStyle;
public ProductCustomNode()
// level 0
// count in category
_count = new TextElement();
_count.Style = new Style();
_count.Style.Margins = new Thickness(2);
// level 1
// lable style
var lStyle = new Style();
lStyle.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Far;
lStyle.Margins = new Thickness(1);
lStyle.Font = new Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
// elements style
_eStyle = new Style();
_eStyle.Margins = new Thickness(1);
_eStyle.Font = new Font("Calibri", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
// init elements
_quantityPerUnit = new TextElement(_eStyle.Clone());
_unitPrice = new TextElement(_eStyle.Clone());
_unitInStock = new TextElement(_eStyle.Clone());
_unitsOnOrder = new TextElement(_eStyle.Clone());
_reorderLevel = new TextElement(_eStyle.Clone());
// init a grid for text elements
_gp = new GridPanel();
_gp.Columns.Add(); // labels
_gp.Columns[0].Width = 100;
_gp.Columns.Add(); // text
_gp.Columns[1].Width = 120;
_gp.Rows.Add(); // ReorderLevel
_gp[0, 0].Element = new TextElement(lStyle, "Reorder level:");
_gp[0, 1].Element = _reorderLevel;
_gp.Rows.Add(); // UnitPrice
_gp[1, 0].Element = new TextElement(lStyle, "Unit price:");
_gp[1, 1].Element = _unitPrice;
_gp.Rows.Add(); // QuantityPerUnit
_gp[2, 0].Element = new TextElement(lStyle, "Quantity per unit:");
_gp[2, 1].Element = _quantityPerUnit;
_gp.Columns.Add(); // labels
_gp.Columns[2].Width = 100;
_gp.Columns.Add(); // text
// UnitsInStock
_gp[0, 2].Element = new TextElement(lStyle, "Units in stock:");
_gp[0, 3].Element = _unitInStock;
// UnitsOnOrder
_gp[1, 2].Element = new TextElement(lStyle, "Units on order:");
_gp[1, 3].Element = _unitsOnOrder;
public override string ToolTipText
return string.Empty; ;
public override void SetStyle(TreeNodeCellStyles styles)
// level 0
_count.Style.HorizontalAlignment = Alignment.Center;
_count.Style.VerticalAlignment = Alignment.Center;
_count.Style.Font = new Font("Calibri", 11, FontStyle.Bold);
// level 1
_unitPrice.Style.Font = new Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
if (_unitInStock.Text == "0")
_unitInStock.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
_unitInStock.Style.Font = new Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
if (_unitsOnOrder.Text == "0")
_unitsOnOrder.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
_unitsOnOrder.Style.Font = new Font(_eStyle.Font, FontStyle.Bold);
public override void SetValue(object value)
if (Node.Level == 0)
var count = Node.HasChildren ? Node.Nodes.Count : 0;
_count.Text = count.ToString();
Child = _count;
var row = (DataSet1.ProductsRow)Node.GetValue();
_quantityPerUnit.Text = row.QuantityPerUnit;
_unitPrice.Text = row.UnitPrice.ToString("C");
_unitInStock.Text = row.UnitsInStock.ToString();
_unitsOnOrder.Text = row.UnitsOnOrder.ToString();
_reorderLevel.Text = row.ReorderLevel.ToString();
Child = _gp;
The following code snippet shows how to set custom nodes using the CustomContentPresenter property.
' set custom nodes
C1TreeView1.Columns(0).CustomContentPresenter = New CategoryCustomNode()
C1TreeView1.Columns(1).CustomContentPresenter = New ProductCustomNode()
// set custom nodes
c1TreeView1.Columns[0].CustomContentPresenter = new CategoryCustomNode();
c1TreeView1.Columns[1].CustomContentPresenter = new ProductCustomNode();
Using Checkboxes
By default, TreeView does not display check boxes beside nodes. In order to display check boxes beside nodes in TreeView, set the CheckBoxes property of the C1TreeView class to True.
The following code snippet sets the CheckBoxes property.
' set the CheckBoxes property to enable checkboxes in TreeView
C1TreeView1.CheckBoxes = True
// set the CheckBoxes property to enable checkboxes in TreeView
c1TreeView1.CheckBoxes = true;
The check box next to a node can be checked by setting the Checked property of C1TreeNode to True. You can also alter the state of the check box of a node by setting the CheckState property of C1TreeNode to any of the following values from the CheckState enumeration of System.Windows.Forms: Checked, Indeterminate, and Unchecked.
In addition, you can change the state of the check box of a node by using the Check or the Uncheck method of C1TreeNode, respectively. These methods accept a parameter allChildrens of the Boolean type. The parameter allChildrens determines whether the check boxes of all child nodes within a node will be checked or unchecked. C1TreeView provides the CheckAll or the UncheckAll method using which you can check or uncheck all the check boxes beside the nodes. Moreover, using these methods, you can check nodes recursively in which if a parent node is checked, all the child nodes under it are recursively checked.
See the following code snippet for reference.
' set the parent nodes to the Checked state
C1TreeView1.Nodes(0).CheckState = CheckState.Checked
C1TreeView1.Nodes(1).CheckState = CheckState.Checked
' set the child nodes to the Checked state
parentNode2.Nodes(2).CheckState = CheckState.Checked
// set the parent nodes to the Checked state
c1TreeView1.Nodes[0].CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
c1TreeView1.Nodes[1].CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
// set the child nodes to the Checked state
parentNode2.Nodes[2].CheckState = CheckState.Checked;
Custom Button Images for Nodes
TreeView allows you to easily display custom button images for nodes by using an image list.
Create an instance of the Systems.Windows.Forms.ImageList class and add images to the list by using the Add method with the Images collection of the list. Set this instance as the image list of TreeView by using the ImageList property of the C1TreeView class.
To access the collection of images for a particular node, you need to use the Images property of C1TreeNode. And to add a specific image from the image list to a specific node, add the index of the image by using the Add method of System.Collections.ObjectModel with the Images property of C1TreeNode.
To see the implementation, refer to the following code snippets.
' create an instance of ImageList
Dim imageList As New ImageList()
' add images to the image list
' set the image list instance as the TreeView image list
C1TreeView1.ImageList = imageList
' specify image indices for nodes
// create an instance of ImageList
ImageList imageList = new ImageList();
// add images to the image list
// set the image list instance as the TreeView image list
c1TreeView1.ImageList = imageList;
// specify image indices for nodes
Icons for Expand Button and Checkbox
In TreeView, you can customize the way icons appear for expand buttons and check boxes.
To customize the icons for expand buttons, you need to set the ExpandButtonStyle property provided by the TreeViewStyles class. The property accepts values from the ExpandButtonStyle enumeration. By using the values, you can set any of standard System, VS2015, or Windows10 views for the expand buttons. To customize the icons for check boxes, set the CheckBoxStyle property of TreeViewStyles, which accepts values from the CheckBoxStyle enumeration. Using those values, you can set any of the standard System, MS Office, or Windows10 views for the check boxes.
Notice that you can use ExpandButtonStyle and CheckBoxStyle properties only after accessing TreeView styles by using the Styles property of C1TreeView.
The following code snippets demonstrate the implementation.
' set the CheckBoxStyle property
C1TreeView1.Styles.CheckBoxStyle = C1.Win.TreeView.CheckBoxStyle.Windows10
' set the ExpandButtonStyle property
C1TreeView1.Styles.ExpandButtonStyle = C1.Win.TreeView.ExpandButtonStyle.Windows10
// set the CheckBoxStyle property
c1TreeView1.Styles.CheckBoxStyle = C1.Win.TreeView.CheckBoxStyle.Windows10;
// set the ExpandButtonStyle property
c1TreeView1.Styles.ExpandButtonStyle = C1.Win.TreeView.ExpandButtonStyle.Windows10;
Note: The latest WinForms .NET Edition does not include rich design-time support yet. We will enhance it in future releases.