| Name | Description |
 | BackColor | Gets or sets the base background color of the menu. |
 | BackgroundImage | Gets or sets the background image displayed in the menu. |
 | BackgroundImageLayout | Gets or sets the background image layout in the menu. |
 | BackHiColor | Gets or sets the base background color of the highlighted item. |
 | C1ContextMenu | Gets or sets the C1ContextMenu component associated with this command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Category | Gets or sets the command category. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | CheckAutoToggle | If true, the Checked property value is toggled automatically when this command is invoked. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Checked | Gets or sets whether the command is checked. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | CloseOnItemClick | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to close the menu when an item is clicked. |
 | CommandLinks | Gets the collection of commandlinks. |
 | Container | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | DefaultText | Overridden. This property is for internal use only. |
 | DropDown | Gets or sets whether the command has a drop down arrow when it is in a toolbar. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Enabled | Gets or sets whether the command is enabled. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Font | Gets or sets the font of menu. |
 | ForeColor | Gets or sets the text color of the menu. |
 | ForeHiColor | Gets or sets the text color of the highlighted item. |
 | HideFirstDelimiter | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should hide the first delimiter. |
 | HideNonRecentLinks | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to hide rarely used menu items. |
 | Icon | Gets or sets the command icon. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Image | Gets or sets the command image. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ImageBarWidth | Gets or sets the width of the image/checkbox bar in the menu. If set to 0, the width is calculated automatically. |
 | ImageIndex | Gets or sets the index of the command image (in C1CommandHolder.ImageList). (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ImageTransparentColor | Gets or sets the color to treat as transparent in a image. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | IsParent | Overridden. Determines whether this command is a non-empty submenu. |
 | LargeMenuDisplay | Determines the way large menus (when all items cannot fit in one column) are displayed. |
 | Mnemonic | Returns the value of the mnemonic character, or the character following the ampersand, to be used as an access key. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Name | Gets or sets the name of the command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Owner | C1CommandHolder containing this command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Pressed | Gets or sets whether the command is pressed. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | RightToLeft | Specifies a value indicating whether the text appears from right to left, such as when using Hebrew or Arabic fonts. |
 | SeparateCheckBar | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show check marks instead of images or in a separate bar. |
 | Shortcut | Gets or sets the keyboard shortcut associated with the command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ShortcutText | Gets or sets the shortcut text associated with the command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ShowShortcut | Indicates whether the shortcut for this command will be shown. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ShowTextAsToolTip | Indicates whether this command's text will be shown as tooltip. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ShowToolTips | Gets or sets the value indicating whether to show tooltip texts when mouse cursor is over menu item. |
 | ShowVerticalSeparator | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control should show vertical separator line between C1CommandLink's image or check icon and text. |
 | SideCaption | Allows to specify a caption (text and/or image) to be shown alongside the left edge of the menu. |
 | Site | (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.Component) |
 | SuperTooltip | |
 | Text | Gets or sets the text of the command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | ToolTipText | Gets or sets the tool tip text. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | UserData | Arbitrary data that can be associated with the command. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | Visible | Gets or sets the command visibility. (Inherited from C1.Win.C1Command.C1Command) |
 | VisualStyle | Gets or sets the visual style of the control. |
 | Width | Gets or sets the minimum width of the menu. |