ComponentOne IntelliSpell
Types of Dictionary Files

The IntelliSpell control uses up to three dictionaries while checking text:

Word Lists

The main dictionaries are zip files with a .dct extension. The zip file may contain several word lists, each one stored as a UTF-8-encoded text file containing lists of valid words. All such entries must have a ".words" extension. For information on how to add word lists, see the Editing the Contents of the DCT File and Creating a New DCT File topics.


The file may also include a "rules" entry that specifies rules to apply when spell-checking text in the dictionary language. For example, the French dictionary that ships with C1SpellChecker contains the following entries:

These tell the spell checker to ignore some common prefixes and suffixes; they are removed before the word is checked. For example:

Prefixes and suffixes not included will be tagged as spelling errors: