ComponentOne IntelliSpell
Spell-Checking Options

ComponentOne IntelliSpell is a flexible tool. You can configure it using the Options command (available on the ComponentOne IntelliSpell menu, toolbars, and Task List). The command shows the ComponentOne IntelliSpell Options dialog box, which looks like this:

The dialog box is divided into two tabs: Common and Files to check.

First tab: Common

The common tab is divided into the following three sections:

Spell Dictionaries:

This section allows you to set which dictionary to use with an additional multi-language spell-checking option. Available options include:

Spelling Options:

Set spelling options, including:

Spell-check After Build:

This section allows you to automatically invoke the spell checker after building the project. Available options include:

Second tab: Files to Check

The Files to Check tab appears like the following:

The Files to check tab includes the following types of files:

C# Like Languages

Spell-checks the strings, comments, and xml comments in C# files. It includes the following sub-items:

CSS Files

Spell checks CSS files. It includes the following sub-items:

Html Files

Spell checks HTML files such as .ascx, .aspx, .htm, .html, .and master. It includes the following sub-items:

Resource Files

Spell-checks resource files. It includes the following sub-items:

Text Files

Spell-checks plain text files in the project (typically readme.txt files). It includes the following sub-items:

Visual Basic Files

Spell-checks the strings, comments, and xml comments in Visual Basic files. It includes the following sub-items:

Xml Files

Spell-checks XML, XAML, and config files. It includes the following sub-items: