ComponentOne IntelliSpell
ComponentOne IntelliSpell Overview

Spell-check code, comments, strings, HTML, XML, resources, and general text in Microsoft Visual Studio with ComponentOne IntelliSpell™. The ComponentOne IntelliSpell package gives you the power to effortlessly deliver products free of spelling errors. Visual Studio is the most powerful and popular software development environment; however, it lacks spell-checking capabilities that exist in other authoring packages such as Microsoft Word and Expression.

The ComponentOne IntelliSpell Professional Edition can check entire projects and solutions, including localized applications, and it now provides "as-you-type" spell-checking just like Microsoft® Word.

With ComponentOne IntelliSpell, you have the power to eliminate spelling mistakes quickly and easily. Simply tell C1IntelliSpell to check a document, an entire project, or even a whole solution. Get started with C1IntelliSpell today and make the most of your Visual Studio experience.