Once you've installed ComponentOne IntelliSpell, use any one of the following methods to start spell checking your projects in Visual Studio:
- From the Visual Studio menu:
Select Tools | ComponentOne IntelliSpell.
- From the ComponentOne IntelliSpell Visual Studio toolbar:
Right-click an empty part of the Visual Studio toolbar area and make sure the ComponentOne IntelliSpell toolbar is checked. Then select a command from the toolbar to begin spell checking.

- From the Visual Studio Task List:
Select View | Task ist and make sure the ComponentOne IntelliSpell item is selected on the list.

All spell-checking options offer the same commands:
- Stop Spell Checking – Stops spell checking.
- Spell-Check Active Document – Spell-checks the document that is currently open in the editor. If the document is a code file, any associated files (such as designer and resource files) are also spell-checked.
- Spell-Check Current Project – Spell-checks all files in the current project.
- Spell-Check Entire Solution – Spell-checks all files in the current solution.
- Spell-Check Selected Documents – Spell-checks all documents that are selected in the Project Explorer window.
- Show C1IntelliSpell Window – Shows a dialog box that enables you to view each mispelled word one at a time and lists suggestions for the mispelled words. A Previous, Next, Ignore All, Add, Change, and Change All command buttons are provided in the dialog box.
- Options – Shows a dialog box that allows you to select several spell-checking options.
- About ComponentOne IntelliSpell – Shows the About ComponentOne IntelliSpell dialog box that contains information about the current version of the Professional Edition, whether to upgrade and update options.

The ComponentOne IntelliSpell toolbar offers the following commands: