ComponentOne IntelliSpell
Suspend and Restore Spell Checking

Some files may contain text that should not be spell-checked. For example, code files may contain code that is commented out, or strings that are not words, or international text that is not stored in localized resource files.

You may suspend and restore spell checking for entire files or parts of files by including the strings "#c1spell(off)" and "#c1spell(on)" in comments. For example:

// this is old code, not real comments, so turn spell checking off
// #c1spell(off) // suspend spell checking
//TypeConverter converter = pd.Converter;
//if (converter.CanConvertFrom(typeof(string)))
// #c1spell(on) // restore spell checking
// strings that encode information (not real text)
// #c1spell(off) // suspend spell checking
string s1 = "xxxdddddllksss";
string s2 = "xxlldddkkddlls";
// #c1spell(on) // restore spell checking

The text that is highlighted will not be spell-checked by ComponentOne IntelliSpell.

The same technique works for XML, HTML, and plain text files. Simply surround the text you don't want to spell-check between "#c1spell(off)" and "#c1spell(on)". For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<text id="English">
This is some stouff that wioll be spel-checked.
<!-- #c1spell(off) -->

<text id="Portuguese">
Este texto nao sera analisado.
<!-- #c1spell(on) -->