Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
C1.Win.Input.DbNavigator.Items Namespace
In This Topic
ClassRepresents the add new record button item.
ClassRepresents the apply button item.
ClassRepresents the navigation button item.
ClassRepresents the cancel button item.
ClassRepresents the delete current record button item.
ClassRepresents the navigation editor item.
ClassRepresents a base class for navigation element.
ClassRepresents the first record button item.
ClassRepresents a base class for navigation item.
ClassRepresents collection of the navigation items.
ClassRepresents the navigation label item.
ClassRepresents the last record button item.
ClassRepresents the next record button item.
ClassRepresents the previous record button item.
ClassRepresents the refresh button item.
ClassRepresents the content separator element.
See Also