C1.Win.Input.Styles Namespace / DropDownStyle Class

DropDownStyle Class Methods

For a list of all members of this type, see DropDownStyle members.

Public Methods
Public MethodApplies style to destination C1.Framework.Style object if it is possible. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Public MethodCreates an instance of the C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle class that is identical to the current C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle)
Public MethodCopies properties of the specified style of the same type. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Public MethodOverloaded. Releases all unmanaged resources. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Public MethodGets value of the specified styled property. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Public MethodGets the new C1.Framework.Style object that matches the current style if it is possible. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Public MethodResets style to it default value according to the applied theme. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle)
Public MethodReturns the string that represents the current object. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle)
Public MethodTries to get value of the specified styled property. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodStart editing the collection. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected MethodStop editing the collection. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected MethodGets a value indicating whether the collection contains a property with the specified name. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected MethodReturns value indicating whether the specified property is default. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Protected MethodGets a value indicating whether the a specified property is initialized. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected MethodCalled when trying to get an initialized property value. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle)
Protected MethodCalled when collection owner is changed. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseStyle)
Protected MethodRaises the C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection.PropertyChanged event. (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.StyledPropertyCollection)
Protected MethodRestores the default value of the BackColor property.  
Protected MethodRestores the default value of the BorderColor property.  
Protected MethodRestores the default value of the Corners property.  
Protected MethodOverloaded. Completely resets specified property (make it uninitialized, initialization required after that). (Inherited from C1.Win.Themes.BaseC1FrameworkStyle)
Protected MethodSpecifies whether to save the value of the BackColor property.  
Protected MethodSpecifies whether to save the value of the BorderColor property.  
Protected MethodSpecifies whether to save the value of the Corners property.  
See Also