Expression Editor for WinForms | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    Working with Expression Editor
    In This Topic

    The following topics explore advanced functionalities of the Expression Editor control. Expression Editor aids in creating simple as well as complex expressions. These expressions can then be used for shaping data in grid and chart controls. 

    Here we assume that the user is familiar with programming in Visual Studio, and has gone through the Quick Start topic.

    Create Custom Function
    Learn how to create custom functions and add them to the Expression Editor panel.
    Integration with FlexGrid
    Learn how to integrate Expression Editor control with FlexGrid, and implementing column calculation for unbound columns in FlexGrid using expressions.
    Integration with FlexChart
    Learn how to integrate Expression Editor control with FlexChart, and modifying the chart's view by applying filters using expressions.
    Integration with MSDataGrid
    Learn how to integrate Expression Editor control with MSDataGrid.
    See Also