C1.Excel Assembly / C1.Excel Namespace / XLPrintSettings Class / Header Property

Header Property
Gets or sets the string to be displayed as a page header when the sheet is printed.
Public Property Header As System.String

The header string may contain special commands, i.e. placeholders for the page number, current date, or text formatting attributes. Most of these fields are represented by single letters with a leading ampersand ("&").

The page header is divided into 3 sections: left, center, and right. Each section is introduced by a special command ("&L", "&C", and "&R"). All text and all commands following are part of the selected section.

The following commands are available:

&L Start of the left section

&C Start of the centered section

&R Start of the right section

&P Current page number

&N Page count

&D Current date

&T Current time

&A Sheet name

&F File name without path

&Z File path without file name

&G Picture (file name)

&B Bold toggle

&I Italic toggle

&U Underline toggle

&E Double underline toggle

&S Strikeout toggle

&X Superscript toggle

&Y Subscript toggle

&"[FontName]" Set new font

&"[FontName,FontStyle]" Set new font with specified style. The style is in most cases "Regular", "Bold", "Italic", or "Bold Italic".

&[fontheight] Set font height in points.
The code below creates a header with left, center, and right portions.
PrintSettings ps = sheet.PrintSettings;
ps.Header = "&LHeader Left&CHeader Center&RHeader Right";
See Also