Calculation Modes

With Excel, you can specify calculation mode for all formulas in the workbook. To do so, you can use CalculationMode property of the C1XLBook class. The CalculationMode property accepts input from the CalculationMode enumeration to set the mode to one of the following values:

Enumeration Values Descriptions
Auto Sets automatic calculation mode for all formulas in the workbook.
AutoNoTable Sets automatic no-table calculation mode for all formulas in the workbook.
Manual Sets manual calculation mode for all formulas in the workbook (F9 in MS Excel).

To set the calculation mode for a workbook in Excel, use the following code. In this example, we set the calculation mode to AutoNoTable for the workbook.

Copy Code
//set calculation mode
c1XLBook1.CalculationMode = CalculationMode.AutoNoTable;