C1.Win.DataFilter.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.DataFilter Namespace / FilterAutoGeneratingEventArgs Class

FilterAutoGeneratingEventArgs Class
Provides data for the FilterAutoGenerating event of a C1DataFilter control.
Object Model
FilterAutoGeneratingEventArgs Class
Public Class FilterAutoGeneratingEventArgs 
   Inherits System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs

This class provides data for the FilterAutoGenerating event of the C1DataFilter control. The FilterAutoGenerating event gets fired before a filter is added to the FilterCollection. This event allows you to modify the automatically generated filters or to cancel the generation of filters. The listing below provides the details about the event data.

  • The Property property gets the data item property for which the current filter is being generated.
  • The currently generating filter can be accessed using the Filter property.
  • The event can be cancelled using the Cancel property, when there is no need to generate filters for specific data fields.

private void C1DataFilter1_FilterAutoGenerating(object sender, C1.DataFilter.FilterAutoGeneratingEventArgs e)


 switch (e.Property.Name)


  //Set the checklist items for Brand filter
 case "Brand":

  var brandFilter = (C1.Win.DataFilter.ChecklistFilter) e.Filter;

  brandFilter.ItemsSource = _carsTable;

  brandFilter.ValueMemberPath = "Brand";



  //Set the checklist items for Category filter
 case "Category":

  var categoryFilter = (C1.Win.DataFilter.ChecklistFilter) e.Filter;

  categoryFilter.ItemsSource = _carsTable;

  categoryFilter.ValueMemberPath = "Category";



  //Set the minimum/maximum value for the Price filter
 case "Price":

  var priceFilter = (C1.Win.DataFilter.RangeFilter) e.Filter;

  priceFilter.Maximum = _carsTable.AsEnumerable().Max(x = >x.Field < double > ("Price"));

  priceFilter.Minimum = _carsTable.AsEnumerable().Min(x = >x.Field < double > ("Price"));

  priceFilter.Increment = 1000;

  priceFilter.Digits = 0;


  //Cancels the creation of all other filters

  e.Cancel = true;




Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also