ComponentOne 3D Chart for WinForms
Chart 3D for WinForms Task-Based Help / Modifying Header and Footer Titles
In This Topic
    Modifying Header and Footer Titles
    In This Topic

    A chart can have two titles, one called the Header and one called the Footer. Because each title can be positioned above, below, and to the right or left of the chart, it is not necessary to adhere to the traditional concept of Header and Footer at the top and bottom of an object.

    To programmatically modify the 3D Chart Header and Footer Titles:

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
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    c1Chart3D1.Header.Text = "Sample Header Text"
    c1Chart3D1.Header.Compass = C1.Win.C1ChartBase.CompassEnum.East
    c1Chart3D1.Header.Location = New Point(20, -1)
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Text = "Sample Footer Text"
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Compass = C1.Win.C1ChartBase.CompassEnum.South  
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Location = New Point((C1Chart3D1.Size.Width - 120), -1)

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    c1Chart3D1.Header.Text = "Sample Header Text";
    c1Chart3D1.Header.Compass = C1.Win.C1ChartBase.CompassEnum.East;
    c1Chart3D1.Header.Location = new Point(20, -1);
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Text = "Sample Footer Text"; 
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Compass = C1.Win.C1ChartBase.CompassEnum.South;
    c1Chart3D1.Footer.Location = new Point((C1Chart3D1.Size.Width - 120), -1);

    To modify the 3D Chart Header and Footer Titles through the Properties window:

    1. In the Properties window, expand the Footer and Header nodes.
    2. Modify the properties as desired. For more information, see 3D Chart Elements.
    See Also