2D Chart for WinForms | ComponentOne
Customizing Chart Elements / Chart Borders
In This Topic
    Chart Borders
    In This Topic

    Adding a border to part of the chart can help highlight important information, or simply make the chart look more attractive. The border style, color, rounding, and width can be set using the respective properties: BorderStyle, Color, Rounding, and Thickness. Using these properties you can create customized borders for any of the following chart elements:

    The following table defines and illustrates the effect of each value in the BorderStyleEnum:

    Member name Description Effect
    NotSet Border style is not set and is inherited from C1Chart class.
    None No border.
    Empty Empty border.
    Solid Solid line border.
    Raised Raised 3D border, drawn using system colors.
    Inset Inset 3D border with bevel.
    RaisedBevel Raised 3D border with bevel.
    InsetBevel Inset 3D border with bevel.
    Groove Compound border (inset+raised).
    Fillet Compound border (raised+inset).
    Double Double solid line border.
    Dashed Dashed line border.
    Opaque The opaque border style ensures that anti-aliasing is turned off when drawing the border. Opaque borders ignore Rounding settings. This border style can be useful for generating chart images to be use with transparent backgrounds.

    The border properties can be modified at design time using the Chart Properties designer, Properties window, or Chart Smart Designer. These properties are located under the Style nodes in the Visual Studio Properties window, which can be found on the Control, ChartArea, Titles, Legend, and ChartLabels objects.

    To change the border style of the ChartArea at design time

    To change the border style of the ChartArea element at design time using the Visual Studio Properties window, complete the following:

    1. Expand the ChartArea node in the c1Chart1 properties window.
    2. Expand the Style->Border property.
    3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the BorderStyle property and select a border style, for example Dashed.

    To change the border style of the ChartArea programatically

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    C1Chart1.ChartArea.Style.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Dashed

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    C1Chart1.ChartArea.Style.Border.BorderStyle = BorderStyleEnum.Dashed;

    The dashed border appears around the ChartArea element like the following:

    See Also