2D Chart for WinForms | ComponentOne
Design-Time Tools for Creating 2D Charts / Working with the Smart Designer / Primary Floating Toolbars / ChartArea Toolbar
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    ChartArea Toolbar
    In This Topic

    Another primary floating toolbar, the ChartArea floating toolbar for the C1Chart control includes a Properties, Background, and a Border command button. The figure below shows how the ChartArea toolbar appears when the user selects the ChartArea on the C1Chart control. When a user selects a toolbar, a label name is provided for the user's convenience.

    Exposing the ChartArea toolbar

    To expose the ChartArea toolbar slide your cursor in the ChartArea.

    ChartArea Toolbar's Command Buttons

    The figure below illustrates each element in the ChartArea toolbar.

    The section below lists all of the command buttons available in the ChartArea toolbar and describes the functionality of each one.


    The Properties command button exposes the Chart Properties editor for the ChartArea element when the user clicks on the properties command button.

    Background button

    The Background command button has a drop-down box that contains three different types of styles for the background and a color drop-down list box for the user to specify a color for the ChartArea's background.

    Border button

    The Border command button includes a drop-down box that contains editable Border styles and colors for the ChartArea's border.

    See Also