In This Topic
The C1Chart2D control provides a context menu for additional functionality to use at design time.
To access C1Chart2D's context menu, right-click on the C1Chart2D component.
The C1Chart context menu operates as follows:
- About C1.Win.C1Chart
Displays a dialog box, which is helpful in finding the version number of C1Chart and online resources.
- Chart Wizard
Opens the Chart Wizard.
- Load Chart
Loads the saved layout of the C1Chart2D control.
- Save Chart
Saves the layout of the C1Chart2D control as a XML file.
- Chart Properties Opens the Chart Properties designer.
- Reset Chart
Resets the Chart.
- Reset To Default Chart
Resets the Chart back to its default settings.
- Edit Data Binding
Opens the C1Chart Data Binding editor.
- Visual Effects
Opens the Visual Effects designer.
See Also