2D Chart for WinForms | ComponentOne
Design-Time Support / C1Chart Collection Editors / Axis Collection Editor
In This Topic
    Axis Collection Editor
    In This Topic

    The Axis Collection Editor is used for modifying the properties for the X, Y, or Y2 axes in C1Chart. For more information on the Axes properties see, Axes.

    To Access the Axis Collection Editor

    1. Right-click the C1Chart control and select Properties from its context menu.
    2. In the Properties window, expand the ChartArea node, then click on the ellipsis button next to the Axes property.
      The Axis Collection Editor appears.

    Properties available in the Axis Collection Editor

    The following properties are available for the user in the Axis Collection Editor at design time or they can be used in the Axis class at run time:

    Misc Properties of the Axis Collection Editor:

    Members Description
    Alignment Gets or sets the text alignment within the axis display. Inherits from the ChartArea.
    AnnoFormat Gets or sets the annotation format.
    AnnoFormatString Gets or sets the annotation format string used with manual formats.
    AnnoMethod Gets or sets the method of annotation.
    AnnotationRotation Gets or sets the clockwise angle of rotation for the axis annotations.
    AutoMajor Gets or sets whether major tickmark values are calculated automatically.
    AutoMax Gets or sets whether the axis maximum value is calculated automatically.
    AutoMin Gets or sets whether the axis minimum value is calculated automatically.
    AutoMinor Gets or sets whether minor tickmark values are calculated automatically.
    AutoOrigin Gets or sets whether the axis origin is calculated automatically.
    Compass Gets or sets the general positioning of the axis. X may be set to North/South, Y and Y2 may be set to East/West.
    Font Gets or sets the outline width of the data point symbol.
    ForeColor Gets or sets the forecolor. Inherits from the ChartArea.
    GridMajor.AutoSpace Gets or sets the automatic gridline spacing calculation.
    GridMajor.Color Gets or sets the color of the line.
    GridMajor.Pattern Gets or sets the pattern of the line.
    GridMajor.Spacing Gets or sets the gridline spacing in data coordinate units.
    GridMajor.Thickness Gets or sets the thickness of the line.
    GridMinor.AutoSpace Gets or sets automatic gridline spacing calculation.
    GridMinor.Color Gets or sets the color of the line.
    GridMinor.Pattern Gets or sets the pattern of the line.
    GridMinor.Spacing Gets or sets gridline spacing in data coordinate units.
    GridMinor.Thickness Gets or sets the thickness of the line.
    GridMinor.Visible Gets or sets the gridline visibility.
    IsLogarithmic Gets or sets whether the axis is logarithmic.
    LogarithmicBase Gets or sets the base of the logarithmic scale used. Les than or equal to 1 specifies natural logs.
    Max Gets or sets the maximum value of the axis.
    Min Gets or sets the minimum value of the axis.
    Name Gets the axis name (X, Y or Y2)
    NoAnnoOverlap Gets or sets whether axis annotations are permitted to overlap.
    OnTop Gets or sets whether axis and gridlines appear on top of the chart image.
    Origin Gets or sets the axis origin.
    Reversed Gets or sets whether the axis is normal or reversed (ascending or descending).
    Rotation Gets or sets the rotational orientation of the textual caption of the axis.
    ScrollBar Gets the axis scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.Alignment Gets or sets the alignment of the scroll bar relative to the plot area.
    ScrollBar.Anchored Indicates whether or not axis scrollbars should be fixed to the PlotArea boundary or move with the axis origin.
    ScrollBar.Appearance Gets or sets the appearance of the scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.Buttons Gets or sets the buttons of the scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.Max Gets or sets the maximum value of the scroll bar position.
    ScrollBar.Min Gets or sets the minimum value of the scroll bar position.
    ScrollBar.Scale Gets or sets the scale of the scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.ScaleMenu Gets or sets the custom context menu that will be shown when the user clicks on the scale button.
    ScrollBar.ScaleMenuItems Gets the collection of scale menu items.
    ScrollBar.ScrollKeys Gets or sets the keys that the scroll bar responds to.
    ScrollBar.Size Gets or sets the size of the scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.Step Gets or sets the step of the scroll bar position changing.
    ScrollBar.Value Gets or sets a value that represents the current relative position of the scroll box on the scroll bar.
    ScrollBar.Visible Gets or sets the scroll bar visibility.
    Text Gets or sets the textual caption of the axis.
    Thickness Gets or sets the thickness of the axis in pixels.
    TickFactorMajor Gets or sets an integral factor for major tick mark length.
    TickFactorMinor Gets or sets an integral factor for minor tick mark length.
    TickGauge Gets or sets the approximate number of intervals delineated by gauge marks between major tick marks.
    TickLabels Gets or sets the placement of the annotation labels relative to the axis. (currently not implemented)
    TickMajor Gets or sets the type of major tickmark.
    TickMinor Gets or sets the type of minor tickmark.
    TooltipText Gets or sets the tooltip text.
    UnitMajor Gets or sets the units between major tick marks. Setting this value turns off AutoMajor.
    UnitMinor Gets or sets the units between minor tick marks. Setting this value turns off AutoMinor.
    ValueLabels Gets the ValueLabels collection for this axis.
    VerticalText Gets or sets whether the label text is displayed vertically.
    Visible Gets or sets the Axis visibility.
    See Also