| Class | Description |
 | BaseOptions | Base class for all encoder options. |
 | BaseTransform | Base class for all bitmap transformations. |
 | BmpOptions | Encoder options supported by the native BMP codec. |
 | C1Bitmap | Represents an uncompressed in-memory bitmap for the purpose of its conversion and transformation. |
 | C1Bitmap.Palette | Represents the bitmap palette for indexed pixel formats. |
 | Clipper | Produces a clipped version of the bitmap for a specified rectangular region of interest. |
 | FlipRotator | Produces a flipped (horizontal or vertical) and/or rotated (by 90 degree increments) bitmap. Rotations are done before the flip. |
 | FormatConverter | Converts the image data from one pixel format to another. |
 | GifOptions | Encoder options supported by the native GIF codec. |
 | JpegOptions | Encoder options supported by the native JPEG codec. |
 | JpegXROptions | Encoder options supported by the native JPEG XR codec. |
 | PngOptions | Encoder options supported by the native PNG codec. |
 | Scaler | Represents a resized version of the input bitmap using a resampling or filtering algorithm. |
 | TiffOptions | Encoder options supported by the native TIFF codec. |
| Structure | Description |
 | ImageRect | Represents a rectangle for clipping images. |
 | PaletteColor | Represents a color in 32bppBGRA format. |
| Enumeration | Description |
 | ContainerFormat | Specifies the image container format. |
 | DitherType | Specifies the type of dither algorithm to apply when converting between pixel formats. |
 | InterpolationMode | Specifies the sampling or filtering mode to use when scaling an image. |
 | PaletteType | Specifies the type of palette used for indexed pixel formats. |
 | PixelFormat | Describes the memory layout of each pixel in a bitmap. |
 | PngFilter | Describes the PNG filters available for compression optimization. |
 | TiffCompression | Specifies the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) compression options. |
 | TransformOptions | Specifies the flip and rotation transforms. |