public enum PaletteType : System.Enum
'Declaration Public Enum PaletteType Inherits System.Enum
Member | Description |
Custom | An arbitrary custom palette provided by caller. |
FixedBW | A black and white palette. |
FixedGray16 | A palette that has 16 shades of gray. |
FixedGray256 | A palette that has 256 shades of gray. |
FixedGray4 | A palette that has 4 shades of gray. |
FixedHalftone125 | A palette that has 5 intensity levels of each primary: 125-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 133 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone216 | A palette that has 6 intensity levels of each primary: 216-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 224 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone252 | A palette that has its 252-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 256 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone256 | A palette that has its 256-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 256 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone27 | A palette that has 3 intensity levels of each primary: 27-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 35 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone64 | A palette that has 4 intensity levels of each primary: 64-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 72 colors are available. |
FixedHalftone8 | A palette that has its 8-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 16 colors are available. |
FixedWebPalette | A palette that has 6 intensity levels of each primary: 216-color on-off primaries and the 16 system colors added. With duplicates removed, 224 colors are available. |
MedianCut | An optimal palette generated using a median-cut algorithm. Derived from the colors in an image. |