ComponentOne Sparkline for ASP.NET WebForms
Explore Sparkline / Chart Types
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    Chart Types
    In This Topic

    You can represent the data using three types of sparklines: Line, Area and Column. By default the chart type is set to Line.

    In the Designer

    1. Click the smart tag in the upper-right corner of the control, and select SeriesList. This opens the SparklineSeries Collection Editor.
    2. In the SparklineSeries Collection Editor, click Add the add button to add a series.
    3. In the window on the right, select Area, Column or Line type from the Type dropdown box. By default the type Line is set.

    In Source View

    Modify the <cc1:C1SiteMap></cc1:C1SiteMap>tags, to customize and add data to the control:

    <cc1:C1Sparkline ID="C1Sparkline1" runat="server">
            <cc1:SparklineSeries Data="33,11,15,26,16,27,37,-13,8,-8,-3,17,0,22,-13,-29,19,8"
        Type="Area" >           

    In Code

    Add the following code to the Page_Load event, to customize and add data to the Sparkline control.

    To write code in C#

       C1Sparkline1.Height = 150;
       C1Sparkline1.Width = 200;
            double[] data = { 33, 11, 15, 26, 16, 27, 37, -13, 8, -8, -3, 17, 
               0, 22, -13,-29, 19, 80 };
       C1Sparkline1.SeriesList[0].Data = data;

    To write code in VB

       C1Sparkline1.Height = 150
       C1Sparkline1.Width = 200
         Dim data As Double() = {33, 11, 15, 26, 16, 27,37, -13, 8, -8, -3, 17,
               0, 22, -13, -29, 19, 80}
       C1Sparkline1.SeriesList(0).Data = data

    What You've Accomplished

    When you select Area, Column or Line type and run the project, sparkline would appear as shown in the images below:

    Area Sparkline

    Column Sparkline

    Line Sparkline

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