Elements / Progress Indicator
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Progress Indicator
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The progress indicator provides a visual representation of the current progress between a minimum and a maximum value. The progress indicator can fill from the right, left, top or side by setting the FillDirection property. The FillDirection property can be set as follows:

Setting Description
North The progress indictator fills from the bottom to the top of the control -This switches the orientation of the control to a vertical position.
South The progress indicator fills from the top to the bottom of the control This switches the orientation of the control to a vertical position.
East The progress indicator fills from right to lef of the control
West The progress indicator fills from left to right of the control

The progress indicator is filled to a percentage, which is based the value of the Value property as compared to the values of the MinValue and MaxValue properties. For example, if the MinValue property is set to 0, the MaxValue is set to 100, and the Value property is set to 25, the progress indicator will fill 25% of the track. If the MinValue property is set to 100, the MaxValue is set to 300, and the Value property is set to 200, the progress indicator will fill 50% of the track.

The progress indicator can represent either a fixed indication of progress, or it can be used to convey up-to-date progress indicators.

See Also