Elements / Label
In This Topic
In This Topic

The progress bar's label is used to provide an alpha-numeric representation of progress. The label can display any one of these six formats:

Topic Description
{0} or {ProgressValue} Displays the current progress.
{1} or {PercentProgress Displays the current percent progress.
{2} or {RemainingProgress} Displays the progress needed to complete the task.
{3} or {PercentageRemaining} Displays the percentage of the process remaining.
{4} or {Min} Displays the value of the MinValue property.
{5} or {Max} Displays the value of the MaxValue property.

To set the label to one of these formats, set the LabelFormatString property. You can add any text you want around outside of the curly braces. For example, you can enter '{ProgressValue} percent finished' and that will show the percentage that is left to complete in the task. You can also overwrite the entire ToolTip with a custom string.

Label Alignment

The label element can be aligned in several different ways by setting the LabelAlign property. The following settings are available:

Setting Description
East The label is aligned to the right side of the control.
West The label is aligned to the left side of the control.
Center The label is aligned to the center of the control.
North The label is aligned to the top of the control.
South The label is aligned to the bottom of the control.
Running The label runs as a marquee.
See Also