Design-Time Support / Designer Form / Exploring the C1AppView Designer Form / C1AppView Designer Form Menu
C1AppView Designer Form Menu

The C1AppView Designer Form menu contains the following available menu items and submenus:

Menu Item Submenu Item Submenu Item Icon Description
File Load from XML  Load the formatting for the C1AppView control from an .xml file.
Save as XML Save the current formatting of the C1AppView control to an .xml file.
Exit Closes the C1AppView Designer Form.
Edit Insert Item Inserts a new C1AppViewItem at the specified place in the list of C1AppViewItems.
Add Child Adds a new C1AppViewItem as a child of the C1AppView or of another C1AppViewItem
Cut Cuts the selected C1AppViewItem from the list of C1AppViewItems.
Copy Copies the selected C1AppViewItem
Paste Pastes a C1AppViewItem at the specified location in the list of C1AppViewItems.
Delete Removes the selected C1AppViewItem
Rename Allows you to change the name of the C1AppViewItem