In This Topic
The list of the controls supported in Windows 10 is as follows:
- Automation
- Book
- Barcode
- Bitmap
- Calendar
- CollectionView
- ColorPicker
- DateTimeEditors
- DropDown
- Excel
- FinancialChart
- FlexChart
- FlexGrid
- FlexPie
- FlexReport
- FlexViewer
- Gauges
- GridSplitter
- Imaging
- Input
- InputPanel
- Layout Panels
- ListBox
- Maps
- Menu
- OrgChart
- PDFDocumentSource
- PDFViewer
- ProgressBar
- ProgressIndicator
- RadialMenu
- RangeSlider
- RichTextBox
- RichTextBoxMenu
- Scheduler
- Sparkline
- SpellChecker
- TabControl
- TileListBox
- Tiles
- TileView
- TreeView
- Word Library
- Zip