Name |
Type |
ReadOnly |
Filterable |
Description |
Id [KEY] |
string |
true |
false |
The Id of the preference record. |
SyncToken |
string |
false |
false |
The sync token. This must be specified when executing an update or delete. |
MetaData_CreateTime |
datetime |
true |
false |
The time the record was created. |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime |
datetime |
true |
false |
The time the record was last updated. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TrackDepartments |
boolean |
false |
false |
This setting corresponds to the Track locations preference in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_DepartmentTerminology |
string |
false |
false |
Specifies the term used by the company for department. This string is used as a label on transaction forms. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxnLine |
boolean |
false |
false |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_ClassTrackingPerTxn |
boolean |
false |
false |
These settings correspond to how classes are assigned when Track classes in QuickBooks Online Company Settings under Categories is set to On. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_CustomerTerminology |
string |
true |
false |
A value used for describing customers in the UI. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_BookCloseDate |
date |
true |
false |
This setting corresponds to the Closing date preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings and specifies the date the books are closed: income and expense accounts are closed and net profit or loss is rolled up into the retained earnings account. Transactions before this date are protected from changes. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_UseAccountNumbers |
boolean |
true |
false |
This setting corresponds to Enable account numbers in QuickBooks Online Company Settings. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_FirstMonthOfFiscalYear |
string |
true |
false |
This setting corresponds to the First month of fiscal year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. |
AccountingInfoPrefs_TaxYearMonth |
string |
true |
false |
This setting corresponds to the First month of income tax year preference in the QuickBooks Online Company Settings to specify the beginning of the company's fiscal year. |
TaxPrefs_PartnerTaxEnabled |
boolean |
false |
false |
Partner tax refers to the automated sales tax engine that provides sales tax compliance. |
TaxPrefs_UsingSalesTax |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field sets whether sales tax is enabled. |
TaxPrefs_TaxGroupCodeRef |
string |
false |
false |
The first-used tax code on a sales form after a new sales tax center has been enabled. |
CurrencyPrefs_MultiCurrencyEnabled |
string |
false |
false |
This field sets whether multicurrency is enabled for this company. |
CurrencyPrefs_HomeCurrency |
string |
false |
false |
The currency code of the country where the business is located. |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForSales |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Sales preference is enabled. |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_ForPurchase |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field indicates whether the Product and Services for Purchase preference is enabled. |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityWithPriceAndRate |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field indicates whether quantity with price and rate is enabled. |
ProductAndServicesPrefs_QuantityOnHand |
boolean |
true |
false |
This field indicates whether QuantityOnHand is enabled. |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDiscount |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field allows discounts to be specified. |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowDeposit |
boolean |
false |
false |
Allows deposits to be specified. |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowShipping |
boolean |
false |
false |
Allows the use of Shipping Info fields. |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowServiceDate |
boolean |
false |
false |
Allows the use of Service Date fields. |
SalesFormsPrefs_AllowEstimates |
boolean |
false |
false |
Allows the use of Estimate entities. |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomTxnNumbers |
boolean |
false |
false |
Sets whether custom transaction numbers can be specified. |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultTerms |
integer |
false |
false |
Default sales terms. |
SalesFormsPrefs_EstimateMessage |
string |
false |
false |
Message to the customers on estimates. |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultDiscountAccount |
string |
false |
false |
Default discount account. |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultShippingAccount |
string |
false |
false |
Default shipping account. |
SalesFormsPrefs_DefaultCustomerMessage |
string |
false |
false |
Default customer message. |
SalesFormsPrefs_IPNSupportEnabled |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables support for IPN. |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionEnabledStatus |
string |
true |
false |
This field enables ETransaction status. |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionAttachPDF |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field indicates whether PDFs may be attached to ETransactions. |
SalesFormsPrefs_ETransactionPaymentEnabled |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field indicates whether payment entities can be used with ETransactions. |
SalesFormsPrefs_CustomField |
string |
false |
false |
A json aggregate of the custom fields for sales form entities. |
SalesFormsPrefs_UsingProgressInvoicing |
boolean |
true |
false |
Enables Progress Invoicing. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByPreferences |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables tracking by using settings in preferences. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TrackingByCustomer |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables tracking using customer information. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_BillableExpenseTracking |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables tracking using billable expense fields. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate |
date |
false |
false |
Sets the starting day of the work week. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_POCustomField |
string |
false |
false |
Defines PO custom fields. |
VendorAndPurchasesPrefs_TPAREnabled |
boolean |
true |
false |
Indicates if TPAR enabled by customer. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_UseServices |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables time tracking services. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillPreferences |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables billing for time tracking entries. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_BillCustomers |
boolean |
false |
false |
Enables time tracking services for the customer in a bill. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_ShowBillRateToAll |
boolean |
false |
false |
Billing rate to all employees enabled. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_WorkWeekStartDate |
string |
false |
false |
The starting day of the work week. |
TimeTrackingPrefs_MarkTimeEntiresBillable |
boolean |
false |
false |
This field sets whether to mark time entries as billable. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Subject |
string |
false |
false |
The subject portion of the default invoice message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_InvoiceMessage_Message |
string |
false |
false |
The message portion of the default invoice message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Subject |
string |
false |
false |
The subject portion of the default estimate message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_EstimateMessage_Message |
string |
false |
false |
The message portion of the default estimate message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Subject |
string |
false |
false |
The subject portion of the default sales receipt message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_SalesReceiptMessage_Message |
string |
false |
false |
The message portion of the default sales receipt message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Subject |
string |
false |
false |
The subject portion of the default statement message. |
EmailMessagesPrefs_StatementMessage_Message |
string |
false |
false |
The message portion of the default statement message. |
OtherPrefs_NameValue |
string |
false |
false |
This field specifies an extension of the preference entity to allow name-value pairs in the custom fields at the top level. |