C1.Web.Mvc Namespace / UpcBase Class
Properties Methods

UpcBase Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by UpcBase.

Public Properties
Public PropertyGets or sets the addOn value of the control.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the height of addOn symbol of the control.  
Public PropertyGets or sets where to render the addOn value of the control.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the background color to render the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the forecolor to render the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets the child components. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Public PropertyGets or sets the css class of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets the CSS style applied in the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets font info for the label text of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the height of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyIndicates whether to show the check digit in the label text of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets the HTML attributes. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the component id. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value that determines whether the control is disabled. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets a boolean value which indicates whether transfer this control to template mode. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets where to render the value of the control.  
Public PropertyOccurs when the control gets the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyOccurs when the IsValid property value changes. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyOccurs when the control loses the focus. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyOccurs after the control has refreshed its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyOccurs when the control is about to refresh its contents. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the size of quiet zone (the blank margin) around the barcode symbol.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the rendering type of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the selector to macth the dom element(s) which the control is attached to. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyIndicates whether the value is rendered under the symbol.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value of the tabindex attribute associated with the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets the collection of the template bindings. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets a value which represents the unique id for the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public PropertyGets or sets the current code value rendered by the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.BarcodeBase)
Public PropertyGets or sets the width of the control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyGets or sets a boolean value indicates whether child components are created. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Protected PropertyGets a boolean value indicates whether current component has the scripts which need to be rendered. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Protected PropertyGets the System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriterTag value that corresponds to this Web server control. This property is used primarily by control developers. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected PropertyGets the url helper. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Public Methods
Public MethodRender the component result to the writer. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Public MethodReturns an HTML-encoded string. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Protected Methods
Protected MethodCreates child components. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Protected MethodEnsure the child components created. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Component)
Protected MethodThis method is performed before rendering. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRegisters the start-up script. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRenders the html attributes of control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRenders begin tag of control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRenders content of control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRenders end tag of control. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Protected MethodRenders the control markup. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.Control)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodRender the html string in template mode.
See Also