Updated MVC project templates for ASP.NET Core 2.0 Framework.
Updated the Project Wizard by adding group templates (Standard, Model Binding, Ajax Binding, Spreadsheet).
Improved accessibility by adding ARIA 1.1 built-in support.
[FinancialChart] Added new Financial Chart type 'PointAndFigure'.
Made popup ignore Escape key while IME mode is active.
Added time zone offset date format parts ('z', 'zz', 'zzz') to Globalize.formatDate.
Added a Popup.removeOnHide property to control whether the Popup should be removed from the DOM or just hidden when the popup closes.
[ReportViewer] Hide the Parameters tab if all parameters are hidden.
Added a MultiSelect.showSelectAllCheckbox property to display a "Select All" checkbox above the items, so users can select/de-select all items with a single click.
Added a new FlexGrid.itemValidator property to improve validation support, especially for unbound grids (bound grids can be validated using the CollectionView.getError property which provides the same functionality).
Added a MultiSelect.selectAllLabel property to customize the label shown next to the "Select All" checkbox displayed when the showSelectAllCheckbox property is set to true.
Added some configuration properties to the wijmo.olap.PivotEngine class: serverTimeOut: the timeout value for retrieving results from the server, serverPollInterval: the poll interval for getting progress reports from the server, serverMaxDetail: the maximum number of detail records to retrieve from the server.
Added several new properties to make the Calendar control more customizable: formatYearMonth, formatDayHeaders, formatDays, formatYear, and formatMonths. All these properties represent format strings used to format different parts of the Calendar in month and year view.
Added two new properties to improve FlexGrid keyboard accessibility: keyActionTab and keyActionEnter. These properties allow you to customize the behavior of special keys so the grid becomes more accessible or more compatible with Excel.
Added a new PivotField.sortComparer property to allow customization of the sort order in dimension fields. This is similar to the CollectionView's sortComparer property, except it applies to pivot dimensions (grid headers) as opposed to measures (summary data).
Added forceRefresh method in RemoteCollectionView.
Fixed an issue where user encounters run-time error when enable property "group-by".
Fixed an issue of unit test CollectionViewServiceTests.VirtualScrollingTest.
Fixed an issue where JavaScript error is displayed while setting Fields of DataEngine to multiple fields.
Removed "auto-generate-fields" attribute from PivotEngine tag helper.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where 'FontSize' of Header style for all Charts can be set by Scaffold but it does not take effect in the application.
Added KeyAction.CycleOut Enum item.
Fixed an issue where value in filter dropdown could not display, after delete the record in the grid during filtering.
Fixed an issue where user could not cancel the Editing operation by using the Esc key in Unobtrusive Validation sample.
Fixed an issue where focus does not shifts to the next cell when pressing Tab key on a cell having custom editor.
Fixed an issue where console error occurs after clicking any cell in custom editors page.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where data in the dropdown could not show correctly when binding with customize items.
Fixed an issue where data in the dropdown could not show correctly when min/max value is set in InputTime control.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where JavaScript error occurs when value binding is used in InputDate/InputDateTime control of ASP.NET Core project.
Project Templates
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where data could not load and 404 Not Found error occurred when Ajax template is host in IIS.
Fixed an issue where error occurs after user publish the Spreadsheet Core 2.0 template project.
Fixed an issue where C# template icons were displayed when choosing the VB template for ComponentOne ASP.NET MVC Application Wizard.