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Parameters designer

Data Panel's parameters section

In the report designer, you'll find a Data panel. Look for the Parameters section here.


To add a parameter, click + Add on the right of the Parameters title. The settings for this new parameter will show up for you to change. Click the Back Arrow on the top left to go back to the Data Panel.


Buttons on the right side of each parameter allow you to remove it or move it up or down. To edit a parameter, click on it to open the Edit Parameter page.


Configuring Parameter Properties

Within the Edit Parameter interface, you'll find an array of properties for each parameter that you can tailor to your needs.

  • Name: This string serves as the unique identifier for your parameter and is used in expressions to reference the current parameter value.

  • Prompt: This text appears alongside a parameter value editor within the Viewer parameters panel.

  • Data Type: Defines the type of values the parameter can hold. The options include:

    • Boolean: True or False

    • DateTime: Date and Time value

    • Date: Only a Date value

    • Integer: An integer number

    • Float: A decimal number

    • String: Text

  • Multivalue: A flag to indicate if a parameter can have multiple values.

  • Hidden: Determines if the parameter editor will be displayed in the parameter panel.

  • Allow Null Value: Specifies if a parameter's value can be left undefined.

  • Format: Only applicable to Date and DateTime parameters. It sets the display format for the parameter value in the date input box. Refer to the data binding section for customization tokens.

  • Multiline: Available only if Data Type is String. Determines if the value editor should allow multiline input.

  • Allow Blank Value: Appears if Data Type is String and indicates if a report reader can leave the parameter's value empty.

  • Available Values: Defines the acceptable parameter values. Each available value has a Label (displayed in the parameters panel) and a Value (used for report processing). The values can either be automatically populated from a DataSet using the From Query option, or manually entered with the Non-Queried option. Refer to the Get Started with Summary Reports guide for an example.

  • Default Value: Sets the initial value when a report is run. It can be pulled from a DataSet using the From Query option, or manually set using the Non-queried option.