We designed this section to help you quickly get started with report authoring in ActiveReportsJS.
We recommend starting with the Standalone Report Designer tutorial to grasp a basic knowledge of a report author's primary tool.
Then, you can choose from the following topics that guide you through the process of creating standard report templates:
Printable Reports
Tabular Reports are the most straightforward way to visualize your data
Banded Reports produce a list-like data view
Fixed Layout Reports template is a unique feature of ActiveReportsJS that helps you easily digitalize pre-printed forms
Mail merge Reports are a way to generate multiple documents at once by applying data records to a pre-defined template
Master-Detail Reports for Nested Datasets and Master-Detail Reports for Related Datasets visualize data structures that are related to each other by hierarchical relationships
. There are more than one way to organize this type of data relationships. Hence, we offer two walkthroughs, and you can check which one is more suitable for your needs.
Analytical Reports
Summary Reports reduce a complete set of raw data into smaller views that help yield useful information
Drill-down reports let report readers switch from a comprehensive data view down to a more detailed one
Dtill-through reports enable navigation through a sequence of related reports
Hierarchical drill-down reports allow readers to progressively expand branches of a hierarchical tree to drill down into more granular details.
These tutorials cover many topics - data binding, sorting, filtering, grouping, report parameters, interactive capabilities, and so on.
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