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References are identifiers that are associated with various report elements.

Data Set Fields

A data set field can be referenced by its name, for example {UnitPrice}. At runtime, it is replaced with the field value in the current scope, such as a Table Row.


A report parameters can be referenced by its name prefixed with the @ character, for example, {@OrderId}. At runtime, it is replaced with the parameter value.

Global Values

A global value is one of the following expressions.

  • {&ReportName} - returns the name of a report template.

  • {&ExecutionTime} - returns the current date and time.

For example, the Report Generated at {&ExecutionTime} can display the timestamp of the report output.

Page Numbering

There are two types of page numbering in ActiveReportsJS reports.

  • Global page numbering is applicable for the entire report.

  • Local page numbering is applicable for a data region or its group, such as a Table Group. You can set the New Section property of a data region or grouping to True so that they produce independent page numbering.

The following expressions can be used to display global or local page numbering.

  • {&PageNumber} - returns the current global page number.

  • {&TotalPages} - returns the global number of pages in the report output.

  • {&PageNumberInSection} - returns the local page number of a data region or group instance.

  • {&TotalPagesInSection} - returns the local number of pages in a data region or group instance.

For example, the Page {&PageNumber} of {&TotalPages} expression evaluates to strings like Page 1 of 10 at runtime.