A data region is a report item that visualizes a dataset. ActiveReportsJS supports the following data regions.
All the data regions listed above share common properties.
Data Set Name
points to the dataset that a data region is bound to.Sort Expressions
is the collection of items that allows you to arrange the appearance of data records. Each item consists of the expression and the sort direction.discontinued=False
to exclude discountinued products from the output.No Data
section properties allow you to set the appearance and the text's content that shows if the bound data set contains no records.You can nest data regions within other data regions. Typically this approach is used for Master-Detail
reports. For example, the List within Table uses the List inside the Products Table to display the price history.
The data for a nested data region could come from two different sources.
Detail Data
property of the nested data region to print the Detail Data
. For instance, the nested table in the Master-Detail Table demo filters the order details using the order Id value of the main table.Submit and View Feedback For