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Report Parts


Report Parts is an innovative feature of ActiveReportsJS that helps developers and report authors design and organize pre-defined and re-usable Report Items into Report Part Libraries. These libraries make it easy for users without technical skills to incorporate these items into their reports and customize them within the constraints set by developers. This guide will explain how developers and report authors can build these libraries, and will provide instructions for end users on how to adapt the report parts to fit their specific reporting needs.

Initializing a Report Part Library

A Report Part Library is essentially a report that contains declarations of report parts. To initialize a new Report Part Library, begin by selecting the appropriate report type for your needs. The options include Continuous Page Layout, Fixed Page Layout, or Pageless Layout. The properties of Report Items will vary slightly based on the chosen report type, which can affect how they are utilized within your reports. Detailed guidance on each layout type's specifications and advantages can be found on the Layout Type documentation page.

Initializing a Report Part

Creating a new report part involves several key steps to both lock certain properties and allow customization of others by end-users. Here’s how to create a Logo report part that displays a company logo and permits end-users to modify the border style. Using similar steps, you can configure report parts based on any report items.

  1. Add a Report Item: Drag and drop the Image report item from the toolbox into your report layout.

  2. Configure Fixed Properties: In the Properties panel, expand the editor for the Image property. Set the Source to External, the Value to the logo URL https://cdn.mescius.io/umb/media/pujnxfci/mescuis-logo-horiz.svg, the MIME Type to image/svg+xml, and Image Sizing to Fit Proportional.


  3. Declare the Report Part: Navigate to the Report Parts tab on the application bar and click the Create Report Part button.

  4. Set Properties for Customization:

    • In the Properties panel, switch to the Report Part tab with the Image item selected.

    • Set the Display Name to Company Logo and the Description to Displays the company logo.

    • Add a new property by clicking the + icon beside the Properties editor. Name this property BorderStyle.

    • Click the Edit icon next to the newly added property and configure it with the following settings: Display Name = Border Style, Description = Allows customization of the logo's border style, Category = Style, Type = Border Style, Default Value = Solid.


  5. Enable End-User Customization:

    • Go back to the properties panel and select the Image tab.

    • Expand the Border/Style editor and set the Default value for the border style to {PartProperties!BorderStyle.Value}. This setup ensures that end-users can customize the border style, while the border width and color remain predefined and unchangeable.

  6. Saving report library: save the report library to any suitable location on your machine.

This method of setting up report parts ensures flexibility and control for developers and report authors. By following the outlined steps, you can configure any properties intended to be editable by end-users similarly. This capability allows you to tailor the interaction and customization options available in your report parts, making them adaptable to various reporting needs and user preferences.

Using a Report Library in the Standalone Designer

Follow these steps to use a report library in the Standalone Designer application:

  1. Create or Open a Report: Launch the Standalone Designer and either create a new report or open an existing one.

  2. Add Library: Navigate to the File menu and select Add Library.... In the Open File Dialog, locate and select the report library file that you saved on the step 6 in the previous section.

  3. Access the Library: In the Toolbox, expand the Libraries node to see the available report parts.

  4. Insert Report Parts: Drag and drop the Company Logo item from the library into your report layout.

  5. Customize Properties: In the property grid, locate the Style section and set the Border Style to your preferred value.


  6. Preview the Report: Preview the report to ensure that the Company Logo is displayed as expected and that the border style correctly reflects the set value.


Using a Report Library with the Report Designer Component

You can find the detailed information on how to load a report parts library into your application at the Using Report Parts page.