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Get Started With the Standalone Report Designer

The Standalone Report Designer is a cross-platform desktop application that is the primary tool for creating new or modifying report templates.


To install the Standalone Report Designer, download the package for your operating system, extract the downloaded archive, locate the installer file in the designer folder, make it executable, if necessary, and run.

Operating System

Download link

Installer file

Installer Type


Download Windows package


Windows Installer


Download macOS package


Apple Disk Image

Desktop Linux

Download Linux Package


App Image


When creating reports for your application, it is important to ensure consistent report output across the standalone report designer, browsers on report readers' machines, and exported PDF documents. The best way to achieve that is to establish the proper Font Configuration.

You might also want to turn on the standalone report designer's debug mode if something goes wrong. Check the Troubleshooting page for detailed information.

In addition, you can configure the report item templates for the standalone report designer application. After the first run, the app creates the Defaults folder within the app files directory:

  • Windows : %AppData%\ActiveReportsJS Designer

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/ActiveReportsJS Designer

  • Linux: ~/.config/ActivereportsJS Designer

The Defaults folder contains the following report item templates:

  • cplImperialTemplates.rdlx-json - Continuous Page Layout Report Items Template with imperial units

  • fplImperialTemplates.rdlx-json - Fixed Page Layout Report Items Template with imperial units

  • cplMetricTemplates.rdlx-json - Continuous Page Layout Report Items Template with metric units

  • fplMetricTemplates.rdlx-json - Fixed Page Layout Report Items Template with metric units

User Interface

The user interface of the standalone report designer consists of multiple parts.

Open, Save, and Save As buttons

These buttons are shortcuts for the standard Open, Save and Save As... commands of the File menu.

Preview button

This button switches the standalone report designer to preview mode to read the report output. You can return to the design mode by clicking the Left Arrow icon located in the top-left corner. Check the Report Viewer Interface documentation to learn how to navigate a report output.

Expand to watch switching between design and preview modes in action

File Menu

The File Menu opens the sidebar that allows you:

  • To create a New report selecting from Continuous Layout and Fixed Layout templates.

  • To Open the existing report template.

  • To Save[As...] the current report template.

  • To read the information About the product version and set the license key. See the Licensing Page for more information.