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ActiveReportsJS: Introduction

ActiveReportsJS is a reporting solution for visualizing data in front-end applications. The product includes a standalone multi-platform designer application that allows to build report templates by using a rich set of controls, including but not limited to:

Report templates can be bound to a JSON data source of developers' choice:

  • Embedded static data

  • REST API endpoint

  • OData endpoint

  • GraphQL endpoint

  • Web service

A rich API allows you to modify data binding at runtime, depending on the environment settings.

Report Designer component can be used within web applications to provide end-users with the ability to customize reports at runtime. Check quick guides and online demos of using the report designer component in:

Report Viewer components supports integration to a wide variety of front-end solutions:

Report viewer interface displays a report output for a user of an application and provides plenty of ways to interact with it:

  • Pagination

  • Multiple view modes

  • Drill-through and drill-down for master-details reports

  • Runtime sorting

  • Bookmarks and table of contents

  • Export to PDF, HTML, and Tabular Data

  • Print

ActiveReportsJS components are supplied with TypeScript declarations. Strict typing allows you to catch bugs at earlier stages and use features like code completion and automated refactoring. The minimum required version of Typescript is 3.7.

Flexible licensing model let you choose among multiple options and make decisions based on several parameters.